Entering the Realm

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"W-where am I?"

The older woman smiled and shook her head. She walked away from me, babbling something about humans and misguidance.

"Wait!" I finally got to my feet and rushed to her side, "Where am I? Who are you?"

"I am Devonia, the Mother Witch and you are Sabrina Faye Brewster, the Queen of the Outer Realm."

I stopped walking, but she didn't.

"I am no queen. I think you have me mixed up with someone else."

"Perhaps, I have," Devonia said as I joined her again, "But I doubt it. I have sealed the veil while you're here and I have very little time to teach you what you need to know so that you can defend your Kingdom."

"My Kingdom?"

"Yes, and your mates are waiting for you," Devonia said as we crossed a small stream, "I am sure they are losing their minds seeing as how you've been here for two days already."


"Time is of little importance here, I suppose," Devonia said, "But not on your side. Your mates are worried sick about you."

"My mates?"

Devonia stopped and smiled at me, "Oh darling, yes your mates. What I wouldn't give to be a woman in your position." She chuckled, "Mighty fine looking men, too. You'll produce beautiful heirs."

I frowned, "I don't know what you're talking about. Is this a trap? I just want to go home!"

"Where is your home, dear? Aurora? Solitude? Here in the Light Forest of the Bright Lands in the Inner Circle of the Shadow Realm?"

I sighed, "I,-" Wow ...that was a lot to process.

"You have all the brains in the world and eyes to see," Devonia's bright eyes widened, "Or did you not see the eight feet tall werewolves defend your honor?"

"I am being drugged."

Devonia laughed and continued on, "Nonsense. You've been isolated far too long. They never should have done that, Hannah and Milo."

I grabbed her arm, gently, "You knew my parents?!"

"Of course I did!"

"But how?"

"They're from the Soul Coven, of course," Devonia said as we headed into an area that looked to be full of little cottages and shops, gardens and a creek running through the village, "And so are you."


"Yes, but running from the Dark Front was a bad idea. They should have stayed, we would have kept you safe, but you are not meant to be on this side permanently."

"Wait!" I stopped in front of her, "Do I have family here?"

"You have family here, my dear," Devonia smiled, "You come from the lines of Moon and Ellis."

"Like the towns?"

Devonia laughed, "Yes, child, like the towns! They taught you nothing? No witchcraft? No spell casting? Not even in mythical literature?"

"Um, no..we moved around a lot..."

"Your parents were witches and their parents were witches," Devonia said, "Your mother is a direct descendant of Ambrose Moon and his wife Aurora."

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Your great grandmother is Esther Ellis, Queen of the Realm along with her husband—your great grandfather--the vampire King, Augustus Moon," Devonia said, "You are the heir to the Outer Realm throne."

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