Darkest Days

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It was quiet in the house as the Quads and their mate dressed and prepared for their excursion to the Dark Realm.

"What's the plan?" Hudson asked as he gathered his belongings. There were some provisions and spell books, amulets and extra clothes, including blankets for all of them.

"To not die," Xander said as he pulled his shirt over his head. He watched as Sabrina and Sebastian dressed, envious of how she looked at his older brother.

Feeling eyes on her, she headed over to Xander and wrapped her arms around him.

"There's nothing for you to worry about, Xander," She said as he leaned in and kissed her.

Xander nodded. He wasn't ever going to be fully changed, but he needed to be less of a crazed man around his mate.

"Now, we'll be going through the Soul Coven's portal," Sabrina said as they made their way to the field where Rayanne and the other witches stood in circle, already chanting, "We only have a few days to be in there and then they're going to pull us back."

The Quads nodded in understanding. They didn't want to tell Sabrina how dangerous it was or how they feared for her safety—she already knew that and she felt the same way for her beloved mates.

"We'll be fine as long as we stick together."

"The portal is opening," Hawk said, standing quite a ways back with Beverly,David, and Valerie who hugged their sons and Sabrina.

"That was quick," Quinn said, surprised.

"My witches can work wonders," Sabrina beamed with pride, not wanting to let on how terrified she really was, "We have to hold hands in the middle of their circle. Do not lose each other."

This was it. They were going to the Dark Realm.

"Has anyone ever been stuck here?" Hudson shuddered.

"Jillian," Sabrina told him, "But only because she chose to be."

"Let's go," Xander said, taking Sabrina's hand and Hudson's, "Your hands are so sweaty, bro. Stop being such a,-"

"Xander..." Sabrina closed her eyes, squeezing Xander's hand, "Don't start."

Within minutes, the group was thrust into the bowels of the Dark Realm—knocked to the ground by the shockwave that sent them there.

"Is everyone with us?" Sabrina asked, looking around, "Good. We all made it."

"Yuck, this place sucks," Xander said, wiping himself off and helping Sabrina to her feet, "Why is it so nasty in here?"

"It's the equivalent to hell, Xander," Sebastian reminded him, "You know that."

"Where do we find Jillian?" Q asked, "This place could extend for days..."

"Or years.."

"Or an eternity," A voice said behind them.


"I am happy you came, Sabrina," She smiled at the little witch hybrid and then to her Quads, "Gentlemen," Jillian nodded, seeing the guarded looks on their faces, "Don't worry. I am not here to hurt you and I am especially not here to hurt your beloved wife."

"That's good because I don't want to have to kill you," Xander said, "Are you,-?"

"Dead?" Jillian laughed, "No, but I might as well be. I have lost everything and I want to get my daughter out of this and into Paradise."

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