I've got you brother

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This chapter was inspired by the song above so have a listen to it na' to fully immerse yourself into this chapter. 🥺❤️❤️


Gemini brought Fourth to Café chilli for their date to enjoy an exclusive river view, with delicious pure Isan cuisine. He wanted Fourth to try their Pad Thai river prawns complimented by a rich Pad Thai sauce he was sure Fourth will enjoy.

However with this delicious food, beautiful view and his pretty boy infront of him Gemini couldn't enjoy himself. His thoughts were consumed by the fight he had with his brother. He was distracted, he didn't even hear a word that Fourth said.

"Hey Gem... are you okay?" Fourth asked concerned seeing Gemini's frowned expression. Gemini smiled and nodded. "Gem... I know it might not seem like it but I am a pretty good listener." Fourth said with a warm smile.

Gemini sighed, closed his eyes and said "I had a huge fight with my brother. We do fight but never like this, never this serious." Fourth reached out for Gemini's hand and gave him a warm smile. "I am sorry, I know I invited you out but look at me bringing the mood down." Gemini said giving Fourth an apologetic expression.

With a bright warm smile Fourth caressed Gemini's hand with his thumb and asked "Do you perhaps want to talk about it?" Gemini smiled and nodded. Seeing Fourth's smile Gemini felt safe, so he proceeded to tell Fourth about the fight with Phuwin but not going into many details. Fourth listened attentively holding Gemini's hand tightly.

"So I feel terrible about it but after all I did for him I thought he could understand me just this one time." Gemini said releasing a heavy breath. Fourth nodded and said "I won't say I understand being the only child, but from what I heard I can sense that you guys really love each other."

"I love him, I really do. He is my bestfriend and he knows I can and will do anything for him." Gemini said with tears swelled up in his eyes. "I am not good at giving advice, that's more of Ford's forte." Fourth said releasing a small laughter.

"It's okay, thanks for listening and being there." Gemini said with a weak smile. "I might not be good at giving advice but papa always says I give healing hugs, you want one?" Fourth asked with his sweet, gummy smile plastered on his face. Gemini's face lit up a bit and with a smile he nodded his head. Fourth opened his arms, scooted closer to Gemini and encircled his arms around him and gave him a tight hug.

"Feeling better?" Fourth asked Gemini as he caressed his back to comfort him. Gemini nodded and asked Fourth "Can you just hold me just for a few more minutes.". "Mhmm" Fourth said with a smile on his face. They sat there in each other's embrace. Gemini felt safe, heard and understood by Fourth. They sat there hugging each other, Gemini's teary face buried in the nook of Fourth's neck and Fourth's hands running through Gemini's hair.


"So are you feeling better?" Jeff asked as he handed Phuwin a cup of chamomile tea and sat next to him on the couch. Phuwin nodded and said "Thanks Dad.".

Jeff looked at his son with a concerned expression. He knew that he was hurting, he knew both his sons were hurting. He was well aware of their little fights but they never had one this big. Usually their fights ended with one of them compromising and the other apologizing. However this time around it didn't seem like neither of them was willing to compromise or apologize.

"Dad can I lay my head on your lap?" Phuwin asked his father with a heavy feeling in his heart. Jeff nodded and made space for Phuwin to lay his head. Phuwin sighed heavily as he put his head on his Dad's lap.

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