I burn for you

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The six men were sitting around the camp fire chatting while Mile and Apo drank tea and the others drank hot cocoa. The moon was shining brightly and the stars looked absolutely breathtaking from where they were sitting.

Mark and Ford were cuddled up next to each other sharing a blanket, like the clingy couple they were. Although Mile and Apo were not clinging to each other, Mile kept smiling at Apo fondly and laughing at his interesting jokes that he, alone seemed to understand. Whereas Gemini and Fourth glanced at the two couples with the same expression.

Fourth cleared his throat to get the attention of the love-struck couples and asked his parents how they became friends with Gemini's parents. A story that Gemini was also very interested in. They listened attentively as Apo and Mile told them about their earlier years as actors, and how they got to know each other through a series they did together.

The boys were intrigued and genuinely surprised that their parents were in a Mafia BL series and even went on a world tour performing for hundreds of thousands of fans. They both knew their parents were actors in the past, Fourth's father was still producing films but they never took interest into checking any of their projects before.

What left Gemini shocked was that his Father was cast alongside his uncle Build, as lovers! They even had a large fandom shipping them. If things had turned out differently Build could've been his father and not Jeff. His parents never told him their love story, not that he ever asked. He just knew that they loved each other a lot, and probably his father, Bible was more whipped for his dad, Jeff than Mile is to Apo.

"So what's the name of the series uncle Mile?" Ford asked smiling mischievously but when he saw how Mark and his friends looked at him he chuckled and said "what? I am asking for... research purposes." Making Fourth to roll his eyes. Fourth also low-key wanted to find out the name of the series, he knew it related to how his parents got together.

Gemini on the other hand didn't even want to imagine it. His father with his uncle Build, whereas his other father was paired with his uncle Barcode. The thought of it alone made him cringe and physically shiver.

I mean they could literally Google their fathers and they are pretty sure they would find it. To that thought Gemini swore not to use his phone until that image of his parents with his uncles is completely swiped from his mind. If he could he would bleach his mind to remove the thoughts that were now haunting him.

After the excruciatingly painful conversation for Gemini was done. Mile and Gemini began to talk about their shared interest of Music, Mark also joined the conversation.  Although Ford also shared the common interest he was rather more interested in engaging in a conversation with Apo, he always loved talking to Apo. Although Apo appeared to be playful and silly sometimes he was incredibly wise.

Fourth sat quietly observing his two favorite men engage in conversation happily. Watching them he noticed how similar they were, and not only their obsessive love of guitars but their personality. Although Gemini had some of Apo's childishness and weirdness, he also had Mile's passion, charm and quirkiness.

The more he silently observed Gemini he found him really attractive, like physically attractive. At first he fell for Gemini's personality, he was always so genuine with him and passionate about whatever he was interested in. He also liked that they had mirrored personalities,  it was like they functioned at the same brain wave.

Yet now looking at Gemini's physical attributes awakened something within him. Looking at how the long sleeved shirt hugged Gemini's muscles, how the veins in his hands popped and how incredibly attractive Gemini looked sitting with his legs spread exuding confidence. It was incredibly sexy to Fourth. His eyes roamed all over Gemini's body, looking at his eyes that were captivating, and those pink pouty lips that he desperately wanted to taste.

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