not so secrets exposed

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Fourth and his friends managed to get through their meal without getting arrested, thankfully. The entire meal Fourth felt uncomfortable and wanted to disapate from Earth, but Gemini held his hand for almost the entire time, and they managed to leave together in one piece.

The next morning, not only were Fourth's parents there but also Jeff. The moment they opened the door, Jeff peppered Gemini's face with kisses and kept asking him if he was okay and if anything happened.

"I am fine! Please stop embarrassing me in front of my boyfriend dad!" Gemini whined.

Fourth was not better off, Apo was basically crushing him in a bear hug, kissing the top of his head repeatedly.

"I am fine papa! But I won't be if you crush my ribs." Fourth said feeling relieved yet exasperated by his father.

"I was so worried about you." Apo says after releasing him from the bear hug.

"How are you feeling?" Mile asks as he gently pats Fourth's head.

"I am fine. We are all fine actually. Nothing really happened. I guess I was exaggerating." Fourth says, smiling sheepishly.

"Good!" Jeff says and hugs him, Fourth could feel himself melting a bit in Jeff's arms.

"You didn't have to come all this way uncle Jeff." Fourth says sheepishly.

"Nonsense! I told your parents to be honest with you but not like they would listen to me and now look where we are." Jeff says receiving a glare from both his parents.

"Honest about about?" Fourth asks looking expectantly at his parents.

"Jeab! Seriously?!" Apo glared at Jeff.

"Po! You know I was right!" Jeff argued.

"What's happening?" Fourth asked again, feeling even more confused.

Mile sighed and told them to sit. So obediently, they sat on the couches with Gemini holding Fourth's hand.

"Remember we told you that your mother is part of the royal family?" Mile says slowly, carefully.

"Yeah, but what does it have to do with-"  And the slowly realisation dawns upon Fourth. The person he was confused with was possibly his brother!

"You mean to tell me that I have a brother?" Fourth asked. He vaguely remembers his father telling him that his mother remarried and that she had some sort of responsibility towards his people or something like that. However a part of him never imagined having siblings, if he is being honest with himself he had tried to pretend he didn't actually have a mother and that Apo somehow by sheer will and miracle gave birth to him.

In fact Apo would usually joke about how he created Fourth with his own body.

"Yes. You have a brother and sister." Mile confirms and Fourth suddenly feels light headed. Gemini squeezing his hand reassuringly is what grounds him.

"So those people at the restaurant thought I was my brother?" Fourth asks for the sake of asking because he already knows the answer.

"Your brother really doesn't make public appearances a lot. He is kind of rebelling at the moment." Jeff says receiving another glare from Apo.

"Jeab!" Apo warns.

"What? It's true." Jeff says with a shrug, clearly unconcerned with the murderous glare he is receiving from his father. Fourth kind of now understands why they are best friends.

"Okay great! I have siblings that I will never meet. Great talk dad." Fourth says, feeling a little hysterical and probably sad.

"Well your brother found out about you and wants to meet you. Hence the whole rebelling thing. Well your sister too but she's not like rebelling or anything." Jeff says in the most nonchalant voice ever, like he is talking about the weather or something.

"Oh my fucking goodness Jeab! I am never fucking telling you anything again." Apo says.

"You knew?" Gemini asks his father who just shrugs.

"How? How did he find out?" Fourth asks softly, so many things are going through his head. He can't even get mad that Jeff knew all of this before him. He will probably go back to it sometime later.


"I swear if you say one more thing. I am kicking you out." Apo warns cutting Jeff off.

"Got it." Jeff mimes zipping his mouth shut.

"Dad?" Fourth looks at Mile expectantly.

With a sigh, Mile begins to explain. So it turns out when Fourth attended a Christian Dior event or some sort of even with Apo a while ago they made it into Chinese Vogue magazine where Fourth was confused as his brother- the Prince. His brother saw it and since he obviously wasn't at the event he enquired about it and somehow found out that Fourth was his older half-brother.

What's more shocking is that 'the prince' reached out to Apo in hopes to meet Fourth. Apparently Mile didn't think it was a good idea considering that they had all agreed to stay clear of each other. Also Mile claims that he didn't want to complicate Fourth's life and Fourth can admit that he does see where his father was coming from, considering the whole mess Gemini was going through because of his mother.

It didn't make him less angry. He had a brother, a brother who wanted to meet with him and he was denied of that opportunity.

"I am sorry baobei." Apo says apologetically and Fourth really wants to forgive his parents but he can't help but feel betrayed.

"So what now? I spend my entire life avoiding them? That's not fair. If they wanted nothing to do with me then fine, but they are my siblings and they want to meet me papa! I at least deserve that. Don't I?" Fourth asks he could feel the tears prickling at the back of his eyes.

"If you want to meet them, then we can make a plan." Apo says reassuringly.

"Po!" Mile says but Apo gives him a glare and he shuts up.

"You dad and I will make it happen okay baobei." Apo says giving him a soft, small smile.

"Po, it's the royal family." Mile says, he sounded a little bit defeated. He always sounds like that when he knows that arguing with Apo is futile but tries anyways.

"And you are Mile fucking Romsaithong!" Apo retorts.

"Language!" Jeff says with a mock scandalised expression.

"I will throw you out." Apo glares at Jeff.

"Please dad." Fourth says giving Mile his best puppy look.

"Fotfot." Mile says, he sounds defeated.

"Come on Mile. Don't act like you ain't fucking royalty yourself. Call your father and makes things happen." Jeff says, clearly Apo threats are futile with him and Fourth is not honestly not surprised.

"You guys surely say the word fuck a lot." Gemini mutters under his breath, and Fourth suppresses a laugh. Only Gemini can make him laugh in the most ridiculous of circumstances.

"Fine! But it will take a while, but I will call you bpùu and yâa." Mile says and Fourth doesn't squeal in excitement but the sound he makes as he hugs his father is pretty close.

"Well isn't this beautiful. I guess we will be staying longer. So in the mean time you two go shower and get ready for the day. I have a lot of things planned I want us to do." Jeff says clapping his hands together.

Fourth doesn’t bother asking what things Jeff has planned. He just stands up heading to the bathroom with Gemini on tow.

"Shower separately." Mile says stopping Gemini.

"Come on! You do know they have already seen each other naked! They have sex you know." Jeff says.

"Dad!" Gemini hisses.

"I didn't need to know that." Apo groans.

"That’s it! I am calling Bible. I cannot handle being stuck with you here for god knows how long." Mile complains fishing his phone out of his pocket.

"Bible has work." Jeff retorts.

"Fuck work!" Mile says already dialing Bible's numbers.

"You guys really do say the word fuck a lot." Gemini says under his breath and Fourth snickers as he heads into the bathroom.

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