The past and present

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Fourth and Ford were having ice cream at a food stall near the university. Their last class for the day got canceled so they had to wait for their boyfriends since they had a double date that evening. The four of them haven't been able to hangout together in such a long time.

"Do you think having ice cream will ruin our appetite?" Fourth asked as he took a spoonful of his rum and raisin ice cream and shoved it into his mouth.

"No way! We are having Sushi and shabu for dinner ain't no way I am going to lose my appetite that easily." Ford answered as he ate his cookies and cream ice cream.

"I guess you are right, plus I heard from Gem that the resturant we are going to has incredible sushi, almost as good as the one he had when he was in Japan." Fourth said as he continued eating his ice cream delightfully.

"Oh I am salivating at the thought of it already." Ford said making Fourth laugh. Ford was what we call a "foodie", he loved food and would always recommend the best restaurants. Fourth sometimes thought that if Ford ever wanted to give up on being a biomedical scientist he can take up being a food critic as a career.

"Oh by the way meung, I saw a picture of Gemini with this hot dude. If I were you I would step my game up." Ford said making Fourth furrow his eyebrows.

Looking at his friend with a frowning face Fourth asked "what are you talking about?"

"I am talking about how reserved you are with Gemini. Fourth you guys have been together for almost 9months have you even gone past 3rd base?" Ford asked making Fourth gasp in shock.

Fourth furrowed his eyebrows while trying to figure out what 3rd base even means and if him and Gemini have gone past it. I mean they have done things, things certainly NC but what base are they considered.

"You haven't have you?" Ford asked with excitement written all over his face making Fourth feel embarrassed. 

"Shut up! I don't want to talk about my intimate life with you." Fourth said covering his ears, to hide how red they are from being embarrassed.

"Oh come on ter, we have been friends since we were babies. We are practically twins." Ford said smiling.

"If we are twins, then you are definitely the evil twin." Fourth said rolling his eyes.

"Oh please how can this be evil." Ford said giving Ford his best smile while fluttering his eyes. Fourth couldn't help but smile at his friend's cute gesture, Ford was really adorable kind of like sunshine on a warm spring day.

"That only works on Mark and not me." Fourth said trying to suppress his smile but failed miserably.

"I know you love me." Ford said making a kissy face at Fourth.

"I hate you." Fourth said in a teasing manner laughing.

"I love you too my nong'FotFot." Ford said and Fourth blew him a kiss.

If people didn't know better they would think that the two friends were flirting with each other. They were so comfortable with each other that showing affection to each other was something they would do naturally.

"Anyways where were we?" Ford asked as he stole some of Fourth's ice cream.

"I don't something to do with bases." Fourth answered wanting to sound as if he wasn't paying attention to Ford's earlier ramblings.

"Bases? No man I was telling you about this hot guy I saw Gemini with. Here look." Ford said handing Fourth his phone.

Fourth looked at the picture Ford showed him and it turned out to be a picture of Gemini with Pond. "Oh" Fourth replied handing Ford back his phone.

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