meet the royal family

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As it happens the people that were following them happened to be private investigators hired by the young prince himself. How on earth did prince Jiang know that Fourth was in China was a mystery to Apo. Well it wasn't really a mystery now that he thinks about it. Fourth was after all mistaken for him hence they all ended up here in the first place.

They were supposed to be fixing this whole mess but it seemed like the only way to fix this was to actually face it head on. It was unavoidable at this point to keep Fourth away from his siblings especially if the young prince is so determined to meet up with Fourth.

The only thing Apo has ever wanted was to protect his precious son. It's bad enough that Fourth had believed his existence was a mistake. His conception might have been a mistake but his existence was God's gift to mankind. An altar should be formed where offerings and incess can be burnt to thank the heaven's for giving him the chance to father a child like Fourth.

As much as Apo would prefer to keep Fourth away from the royal family, he knows Fourth would like to know his siblings and unfortunately his mother. Fourth was such a good boy, the best. The problem was that he was naive. Which was probably their fault because they raised him in this bubble of where the world was good and peachy. They just wanted to protect him.

"What are we going to do now?" App asked his husband.

"I am thinking of contacting her." Mile replied looking at him. He could tell what Mile was thinking and Mile was right. He absolutely didn't want to have any contact with that woman. Crown princess of not.

"Is it really necessary?" App asked and he was definitely not whining despite the look his husband was giving him suggested.

"Po..." Mile said enveloping him into his arms. "You know we have  to. There's too many people involved."

"We can always take Jeab's suggestion and just assacinate the entire royal family. Down with the monarchy or whatever." Po said allowing himself to be comforted by his husband's warm embrace.

"Your friendship with Jeff scares me. Why is it when anything inconveniences you. The first thing you think about is murder." Mile said, his one hand gently caressing the back of Apo's head.

"That's not the first thing. We usually consider blackmail first, paying them off second and murder last." Apo replied making Mile laugh.

"What are you guys? K-drama villains?" Mile asked his voice amused and indulgent.

"How dare you?" Apo said lifting his head from his husband's shoulder so he could get few view of his sulking face. "I am too cute to be a villian. Maybe Jeab can be one, he has that whole cruella de vil aesthatic going on. Did you know he once thought of putting a hit out on Fourth?"

"He what?" Mile asked, eyes wide with shock.

"Relax... He didn't know Fourth was my son and he was only trying to protect his babies. Which is relatable honestly." Apo said voice laced with amusement as he watched his husband's face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you both?" Mile asked, and he took a steadying breath. "I am not even surprised that you two are friends." Mile added.

"Well at least Jeab didn't marry the man who practically cheated on him and produced a child out of the infidelity." Apo replied, perhaps feeling a bit petty.

"Po... I have already apologized for that. I live my life everyday trying to right the wrong I have committed against you." Mile said and Apo could tell he hit a sore spot. He felt a little guilty because he has forgiven Mile, kind of.

"I know... I am sorry that was uncalled for. I am just scared okay? I just want them to stay away from my baby." Apo said softly.

Mile tightened his arms around him pulling him flush against his chest.

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