New beginnings

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"Guys!" Ford said as he approached Gemini and Fourth who were being all clingy in the faculty's canteen.

"You two look all lovey-dovey." Ford said as he took a sit infront of them.

"Yeah what happened to your no PDA policy." Mark asked as he sat next to his baby.

"What no PDA policy?" Gemini asked.

"Come on, you know. You guys make that whole weird distorted face when you see people being lovey-dovey." Ford replied.

"Yeah because that thing is cringe as fuck." Fourth replied.

"Babe, language." Gemini said pinching Fourth's cheeks.

"I am sorry baby." Fourth said in his cutesy voice.

"Awww you are so cute." Gemini said and gave Fourth a peck on the lips.

Mark and Ford looked at the two with furrowed eyebrows.

"Are you seeing this?" Ford asked nudging Mark with his elbow.

"Uh-huh." Mark replied nodding his head.

"What?" Fourth asked seeing the way Mark and Ford were looking at them.

"What's with you guys?" Mark asked.

"What do you mean?" Gemini replied.

"Why are you guys being like this? Stop it!" Mark replied separating the two with his hands.

"You move!" Ford said moving Gemini away from Ford and sat next to Fourth.

"What is this about?" Fourth asked chuckling feeling confused.

"You guys are giving me goosebumps." Ford replied and Mark hummed in agreement.

"You guys are being ridiculous." Gemini said.

"Whatever!" Ford replied. "Anyways are your parents back yet Fourth?" He asked.

"Yes and they bought me so many stuff. Papa also got you something." Fourth replied.

"Really? Great will pick it tonight when I come for dinner." Ford replied excitedly.

Usually when Mile and Apo went abroad they would buy Fourth a lot of souvenirs from clothes, bags, shoes and jewelry. They would also get Ford stuff as they treated the younger as their own son.

"Ooh munchkin, I thought we were going out tonight." Mark whined to his boyfriend.

"No can do teerak. I am meeting up with P'Apo tonight. No way I am missing that." Ford replied.

"Seriously meung are you ever going to stop fanboying over my dad?" Fourth replied.

"Are you ever going to stop fanboying over your boyfriend's dad?" Ford rebutted.

"Shut up!" Fourth retorted with a tint pink brushing over his cheeks. It was no secret that Jeff was Fourth's idol.

"P'Bible?" Mark asked with his brow raised.

"No munchkin, P'Jeff. Why would he fanboy over P'Bible?" Ford replied.

"Oh that makes sense I guess. I wouldn't blame him though because I saw that Kinnporsche series and I must admit P'Bible as Vegas changed the whole trajectory of my life." Mark replied.

"What? You actually watched it?" Fourth asked.

"Didn't you?" Ford asked Fourth.

"No I didn't. Did you?" Fourth asked.

"Yeah Mark and I binged watched it together." Ford replied.

"It's a good thing you didn't watch it Fourth because the NC scenes between your parents are insane. No kid should see their parents in that position." Mark replied.

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