Phuwin's birthday

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"Happy birthday honey." Jeff said kissing  the top of Phuwin's head, who was already seated on the dining table.

"Thanks dad." Phuwin replied.

"Happy birthday son. This is from your dad and me." Bible said handing Phuwin a black velvety box.

"Oh! Thanks pops." Phuwin said and placed the box aside.

"My turn! Happy birthday hia. This is for you." Gemini said giving Phuwin an envelope.

"Oh thank you khâp." Phuwin said and eagerly opened to see the contents of the envelope.

"What's this?" Phuwin asked looking at 2 first class plane tickets, a reservation for  two at Huay Gubgup.

"It is an all paid trip to Chiang Mai, Huay  Kub kab for two. For you and your special someone." Gemini replied with a wink.

"What's with you? What special someone?" Phuwin said with a shy smile his cheeks turning beet red and heat up.

"Oh come on hia, you know what I am talking about. Take this as an opportunity to ignate the fiery passion between you and P'Pond." Gemini replied linking his two fore fingers together.

"Shut up!" Phuwin said turning redder than he already was at the mention of Pond.

"Oh you are back together with Pond?" Bible asked and Phuwin nodded.

"Since when?" Jeff asked curiously.

"Not long but please don't get involved." Phuwin replied warning his dad, knowing that his dad has a tendency on involving himself in things that don't concern him. Especially when it came to their love lives.

"I wasn't going to." Jeff retorted.

"Yeah I don't believe that." Gemini replied.

"Same." Bible added and Jeff sighed shaking his head.

"Wow. You guys have no faith in me. You know I only do it because I only-"

"What's best for us." The two brothers said in unison as if they  already knew what their father was going to say.

"Wow! Okay whatever. Well since you two are back together, I am pretty sure that our gift will come in handy." Jeff said smiling.

"What did you get me?" Phuwin asked eyeing Jeff suspiciously.

"Take a look." Jeff replied smiling.

Phuwin grabbed the black box he put aside earlier and eagerly opens it. His brows furrow in confusion seeing a key placed inside the box.

"What is this?" Phuwin asked confused.

"We got you a penthouse." Jeff replied clapping his hands in excitement.

"You What?" Phuwin and Gemini replied in unison.

"Well since you are 23 now, going to graduate soon and start working we assumed you are going to need your own little space." Jeff replied and Bible nodded.

Phuwin lunged to his fathers, and gave them a hug. "Thanks dad." He said giving Jeff a peck on the cheek. "Thanks papa." He said giving Bible a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh yeah hia before I forget Fourth's parents sent you a birthday gift." Gemini said running off to the living room and came back with a big box wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper.

Phuwin took the note that was attached to the box and read it outloud:

"Happy birthday. A little birdy told us you  might appreciate this. Wish you good health and wealth. --- The Romsaithong family."

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