Loved and always loved

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Fourth had a conversation with Gemini regarding his talk with Jeff, and it turned out pretty great. Gemini deserved to be surrounded by people who loved and valued him, and by the sound of how the conversation went between Gemini and Jeff, there was no doubt that Gemini was loved.

"Dad is just simply amazing." Gemini had told him. Fourth obviously agreed, not only because Jeff was his idol but because Fourth really got to know Jeff, and he knew about all his amazing qualities, even the ones that were sometimes terrifying.

Fourth also got to learn that Gemini was in therapy since he was 8 years old because Jeff was determined to give them a safe and healthy environment to grow up in. Now Fourth was not a stranger to therapy. He was diagnosed with ADHD and OCD from an early age of 10. However, since he moved back to Thailand, he hadn't been to therapy.

He was still taking his Vyanse 70mg as his psychiatrist prescribed him but hadn't done much therapy. Maybe he should consider going back judging by the new information he found out.

"I think you should talk to your parents' love before you make any drastic decisions." Gemini had told him.

And maybe he should talk to his parents. Mile and Apo never lied to him before. So the least he could do was give them the benefit of a doubt. So that's what Foueth decided to do.

Fourth, we decided to have this conversation on one of their weekly family dinners. Fourth had always loved this dinners, even though his parents would act like love sticken teenagers.

"Dad, papa. I have something to ask and maybe confess." Fourth started the conversation. It was now or never.

"Sure, pumpkin, what's up?" Apo said with his tone so soothing and loving as Fourth remembered.

"It's about my birth mother." Fourth said, and he could see all the colour drain grom his parents' face.

"Okay. What do you want to know." His father, Mile, spoke up.

"What was she like? And why isn't she part of my life?" Fourth asked, although he somewhat knew the truth he wanted to see if his parents would be honest with him.

"Is this about Araya?" Apo spoke up, softly and carefully.

"Araya? As in Araya Sumettikul?" Mile asked, shocked.  It seemed like he didn't know about Gemini's famous mother's return.

"Partly." Fourth simply answered.

"Araya is back?" Mile asked again, still in shock.

Perhaps there's more to this Araya story, but Fourth didn't want to focus on that.

"Yeah, she is, but she isn't what I want to talk about. I just want to know about my birth mother. I know I am not adopted, so I just want to hear more about her." Fourth said, holding his breath as he waited for his parents' reply.

"Your mother's name is Ye Xuan, also known as Princess Xuan. She and I were betrothed to each other from birth. When I denounced our betrothal, we separated for a while, and about 13 to 14 months later, you were brought to me, I think you were around 3 months old. I didn't know she was expecting." Mile replied calmly. However, Fourth could see some pain in his father's expression.

"If you denounced your betrothal... how was I conceived?" Fourth had to ask if there was no relationship between his mother and father. How was he created?

"On the day we broke off our engagement, your mother and I got together. There was alcohol involved, and I don't remember much of that day. I didn't even know of your conceivement."  Mile replied sincerely. There was a bit of shame in his tone of voice.

"Had you known would things have turned our differently?" Fourth asked.

"Honestly speaking... I don't know Fotfot. All I know is that around that time, my heart belonged to another." Mile replied sincerely.

"So are you telling me you cheated on Papa?" Fourth asked, he sounded upset. Was he upset?

"Pumpkin!" His other father, Apo. Exclaimed.

"It's okay, love." Mile said gently, squeezing Apo's hand. "Technically, I didn't because your father and I were not official yet. However, in my heart of hearts, I know I did. Hence, I dedicated my whole life to fixing the mistake." Mile added.

"So I was a mistake?" Fourth asked softly, tears threatening to fall.

"You are never a mistake pumpkin. You were unexpected but never a mistake. You are a gift, gifted to me by the gods." Apo said with urgency.

"But..  but I wasn't planned, and I almost broke you guys off. I heard your conversation with P'Jeff." Fourth said softly.

"Pumpkin... listen, yes, you were not planned. However, you were y9ur father's saving grace. I love you like I bore you, as if if you are the bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. You were unplanned but a wonderful gift for me and your father." Apo said, squeezing his hand firmly but gently.

"What about my birth mother? Did she just give me up?" Fourth asked softly. He couldn't mask the hurt that was evident in his voice .

"Princess Ye had duties to her people... she had to give you up. It doesn't mean she didn't love you. She nourished you for the whole 9 months and took care of you for a whole 3 months before she gave you up. Of course, she loved you. Who wouldn't love such a wonderful person like yourself, pumpkin? But she had duties to her people. " Apo was the one to reply to him.

"So she gave me up?' Fourth couldn't mask the hurt in his voice even if he wanted to.

"She had to pumpkin... it was for her people." Apo reassured him, but that didn't soothe the ache in Fourth's chest.

"Fotfot... I know this is hard. I am sorry we kept this from you, but we thought it was for the best." Mile spoke, Fourth could sense the guilt in his father's voice.

He didn't want to guilt trip his parents. He just wanted the truth about his origins.

"When it comes to royalty and politics, things are a bit complicated. Hence, we didn't mention any of this to you." Apo added.

"So I might never get to meet her?" Fourth asked softly.

"I am afraid not pumpkin... she is married with kids. If this came out, it will ruin her." Apo said gently but the reception of the information was not as gentle as he intended.

"I see." Fourth simply replied.

" just so you know pumpkin. You are and always will be loved by me and your father. You are and will always be the greatest blessing to us." Apo said encaging Fourth in one of the biggest embrace he has ever given him.

"That’s true baobei." Mile added encaging both his son and son in an embrace.

Fourth never got to know more about his mother as he had hoped but he felt so loved like at that moment.

He might never get to know his birth mother but one thing was clear. He was loved, when he thought about about it. He never needed a mother. Apo, Mile never made him feel like he was missing something.

Maybe he and Gemini were meant for each other. They had so much in common, including mommy issues apparently.

"If you want to know about your heritage, I can always ask your grandparents. " Mile offered.

" Thank you dad, thank you papa." Fourth said close to tears.

He had people who loved him and for now that was more than enough.


Thank you for reading this chapter, sorry it was a little short. Rak na khâ 🤟🌻🌞

This is from Fourth’s perspective.  I wrote this chapter slightly intoxicated. Will fix any mistakes when sober 😭😭😭😭

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