confronting your inner feelings

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After the talk with Pond, Ford bugged Fourth to tell him everything, which he did obviously. They were bestfriends they don't keep secrets from each other.

"So what are you going to do?" Ford asked.

"I don't know to be honest. Worst part I am having dinner with Gemini's parents tonight and P'Phuwin is most likely to be there." Fourth replied.

"Obviously he is going to be there. He wouldn't miss it for the world." Ford said and Fourth looked at his bestfriend with knotted eyebrows.

"What do you mean by that?" Fourth asked.

"I mean nothing by it." Ford replied avoiding eye contact with his bestfriend. That meant he meant something by the statement he made earlier on.

"Out with it." Fourth persisted.

"All I am saying is that with you there, P'Phuwin will definitely come. Even if he had plans, he would surely cancel them." Ford replied.

Fourth looked at Ford with a frowning face and asked "what are you implying Ford?"

"Fourth, babes I love you. You know that I do, but don't tell me you haven't noticed the way P'Phuwin looks at you." Ford replied.

"And how will that be?" Fourth asked looking at Ford with a rather fierce expression. He understood what Ford was implying and was not happy about it. If other people said it he could tolerate it but not Ford. He knew that him and Phuwin were just friends nothing more.

"Come on Fourth, you can't tell me you can't see how his eyes sparkle when he looks at you or how his gaze is fixated on you all the time in class when there's like over a 100 of us there." Ford replied and Fourth could feel his blood boil with anger or perhaps it was frustration.

He knew what Ford said had some truth to it but it sounded accusatory. Like somehow he did something wrong. Or perhaps Ford didn't think his relationship with Phuwin was appropriate. 

"What are you saying Ford? You know P'Phuwin and I are friends. I am also dating his little brother so he is familiar with me, and rather comfortable. Why do you have to make it sound so weird." Fourth said irritated.

"Look don't get mad. I am just stating my observations. People around the faculty have been asking me if you two were a thing. Especially after you two sang a love song at one of the most romantic cafés around." Ford replied. He was usually rather passive and would joke around  but he just thought maybe this time he should state his true feelings.

He loved Fourth very much and this whole thing seemed quite rather strange to him. He could clearly see that Phuwin still had a thing for Fourth. He just didn't know if Fourth was naive and couldn't see it or he was being intentionally oblivious.

"Ford, Phuwin is just a friend." Fourth stated.

"To you maybe, but does he see you as just a friend?" Ford asked and Fourth kept quiet.

He didn't really know how to answer that question. Him and Phuwin haven't done anything wrong or inappropriate. Sure they might have flirted once or twice in the past, but that was before him and Gemini got together.

"Fourth... look I am sorry if I upset you. I was just-"

"You were just stating your observations. Yeah I got it." Fourth said rather harshly and stood up "I better get going. See you around." He said and left before Ford could stop him.

Ford felt terrible, he didn't mean anything bad. He just wanted Fourth to be aware of what's going on. If this continued there could be rumors going around. Phuwin and Gemini were rather popular in their faculties now imagine if the university found out they had a thing for the same person, that person being Fourth. It would be a nightmare, Ford just wanted to protect Fourth from that.

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