The Aftermath of the Ordeal

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Currently in the back of the school, Kai and Alexia were currently standing. It's been a few days since the whole incident and Alexia had called Kai here.

When Alexia called him, she wanted to let him now a few things. Alexia explained to him how instructor Zenon was the one in charge of the whole kidnap, and how he was clear.

Alexia: *Looking Away* So, with all that...You're no longer a suspect. *Smiles* Must be a relieved.

As Alexia said that, Kai could only nod. The amount of trouble that his family was gonna get in.

They could either blame the family as accomplices, by either killing them or exiling them.

Kai: *Smiles* Yeah. I owe that to you.

As Kai said that, Alexia nodded.

Once her sister found her, she explained the situation.

However, that didn't mean it made sense.

Alexia: *Sigh* This incident had many mysteries. Although it seems that it has been solved for the time being.

Zenon was obviously working for someone. This so called Knights. And, thanks to the dead scientist, they also can't understand why they wanted Alexia's blood.

However, Alexia smiled at the thought. This mystery wasn't gonna stay like that.

Alexia: *Smiles* My sister is putting together a special investigations team. And...I plan on helping them.

Kai: *Surprised* Oh, really?

When Kai was called by Alexia here, he though she wanted to talk about just about his charges, by request of her sister. However, hearing about what Alexia and her sister were doing, definitely caught him off guard.

After the events that transpired, it made sense that the princesses of the kingdom wanted to see what two unknown organizations were capable of.

The Diabolos Cult and Shadow Garden...

Both unknown yet powerful groups that had defy the natural order of the world.

Alexia: But beyond this...I also wanted to thank you. Before, you said you liked my swordsmanship, right? *Smiles* It's a bit late but thank you...

Kai: *Smiles* You're welcome. I'm just glad that you finally noticed how your swordsmanship also holds value.

Hearing that, Alexia nodded.

She saw it. How an unknown man, was able to use skills that she also foresaw as the best way to get strong and defeated Zenon.

It showed her how much room she was to grow.

However...Alexia also couldn't help but look at Kai. Zenon had told her how he'd sent people to kill Kai.

When he told her that...part of her broke...

But now, seeing him fine...Alexia couldn't help but continue to look at him.

However, Alexia shook of those worries.

Now, the actual reason she called him.

Alexia: Also...

When Alexia said that, Kai looked back at her. Her whole body language, demeanor and even way of acting had changed.

She was fidgeting on her spot.

Alexia: *Small Blush* The culprit, instructor Zenon is no more...So there's no reason to pretend to be lovers...

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