Releasing the Lost Memories

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Warning: Very Long Chapter. Almost 8000 words.

No Pov

As Kaiser stood over his defeated foe, he look down at the windows that had appeared. Among them, the one that most caught his attention, was the one about his current level.

Name: Kai Kagenou/Kayaba
Level: 100

After all this time...He had finally made it into the hundredth level.

However, that wasn't his main worry right now. Instead, he turned back toward the group that was standing behind him. The members of Shadow Garden along with the princesses seemed to be fine but...

Kaiser: Is everyone alright? Was anyone hurt?

At the sudden question, everyone's eyes widen. Instead of thinking of completing the mission, their master checked and prioritize their safety.

Although a mission is always important, sometimes, even the lives of others meant just as much.

Just because the members of Shadow Garden claimed to be ready to lay down their lives for their cause. It was their sacred mission.

However...Kaiser wouldn't allow this. This girls had worked hard...They deserved to live their life's afterwards.

Hearing this, Alpha only smiled before making a small bow. This was very much how her lord always behaved.

Alpha: We're fine, Lord Kaiser. Thank you.

While Alpha was cordial toward him, Kaiser set something wrong. Through his sense skill, he could feel a lingering feeling on Alpha.

It was...Regret. But why? Did she blamed herself for this setback? Did she planned to take full responsibility?

Thinking about that, Kaiser just sighed.

Kaiser's Thoughts: Really...What am I gonna go with them...

As he thought that, he walked until he was finally infront of Alpha.

The latter looked confused at this but before she could question, she felt something.

A warm, fussy feeling, on her head.

Looking up, she noticed how Kaiser was putting her head.

And not only that...For some reason, she could tell...Her masters look right now.

Kaiser: *Smile* You've done well, Alpha.

At the sudden gesture, Alpha felt her cheeks beginning to heat up. It was so sudden but she enjoyed the feeling...Maybe she was also a beastkin like Delta and Zeta.

However, shaking those thoughts, she needed to at least look professional infront of the members of Shadow Garden.

However, that was easier said than done.

Alpha: *Small Blush* T-Thank you Lord K-Kaiser. *Small bow* I-I mean, we are doing this for y-the mission. Yes.

...That was well handle right?

Hearing her small struggle, Kaiser chuckle, not helping the usual stoic and elegant leader of Shadow Garden.

However, Alpha felt three daggers stabing her in the back, with their looks alone.

She needed to at least get control of the situation again.

Alpha: *Clears Throat* That's enough wasting time then. Let's go.

At the sudden remark, the two princesses eyes widen.

Alexia: W-Wait, just like that?

Rose: I thought you needed to capture Nelson?

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