Time of Relaxation and Planning

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A/N: I feel like I've done something...Interesting. I feel like you guys will enjoy this arc...Especially those who are fans of Solo Leveling.

No Pov

After Kai and Cid blew up the Sanctuary, something that changed in both the three girls and Shadow Garden.

After escaping from the Sanctuary, through the same entrance as when they entered, Alexia, Rose and Beta or as they knew her, Natsume all appeared outside of the Kingdom of Lindwurm, somewhere in a forest.

As they wonder all of this, they decided to rest for a bit.

As they were around a fire, Alexia look down, lost in thought, as the flames dance around her.

Alexia: It feels like it's all a strange dream...

After the events of the Sanctuary, it was easy to understand what Alexia was feeling.

Seeing how the Diabolos Cult influence ran so deep, the secret of the possessed, the amount of tortured people went through. How there's a Demon Lord/King who might be stronger than Diabolos, the same world-ending monster, that only heroes of legend could defeat.

Hearing Alexia, Rose decided to join the conversation.

Rose: Yes. We were supposed to be inside of the Sanctuary but then we found ourselves in the forest, in our outskirts of Lindwurm...And we almost became bear food.

After going toward the exit, the princesses and Beta, instead of exiting in the stadium, they appear there instead. And to make matters worse, not a single member of Shadow Garden was with them.

...Also, they were about to become bear food but, Rose had used a shoulder throw to take the bear out.

Even now, they were eating the remains of the bear, as they made a fire to cook it. Thought...

While that happened, Alexia stare at the other two girls. While Natsume, had no skills in fighting(That's what she thought), Rose was an esteem fighter, better than herself.


Alexia: *Looks Down* Hey...Aren't you two angry?

At the sudden remark, both girls stopped eating and looked at each other. Angry? Why would they?

They survived an encounter with a murderous ant, were able to return home even...

Rose: *Curious* About what?

Alexia: We could only watch this unfold in the Sanctuary...*Looks down* We lacked not only power but knowledge and information...

What Alexia said, finally registered in the girls mind. Every second in there, they were at the mercy of whatever may attack them. Whether it was a memory, a member of the cult or even one of the ant monsters.

Even worse, the princesses of two kingdoms, weren't able to know even a shed of light, of events like this. While Shadow Garden, had discovered all and more, even surprising their enemies.

However, that wasn't Alexia's fear...

Alexia: I have a feeling that if we stay ignorant...*Shakes a little* We'll be robbed of something or someone important one day.

Alexia's fear was when the Diabolos Cult went into full motion, they would take anything from them. Their kingdoms, family...Those they loved...

Alexia could right there imagined those she cared about the most...Her father, mother, her sister...And Kai...

The last one was almost already taken out by the Cult, if she could believe Zenon's words back then. When she did...Something inside of her broke. She had lost all motivation to keep going. She was ready to accept the fate plan by them...

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