What is the Truth of Lindwurm?

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One of the things that Lindwurm became very known for, where it's hot-springs. Whether it was because of her so-called mystical, healing properties or just because of their amazing feeling that they provide for the body.

However, beyond of whatever they were, Kai had come here to relax.

Inside of the main charging room, Kai was currently putting his clothes away, he took of his shirt.

He then check himself out

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He then check himself out. Even thought of the many battles he'd had, there was a single scar on his body. Not even one when he was stabbed around the back by Ryuji Goto a few weeks ago.

Kai's thoughts: Although I don't know a lot of the system, I guess it definitely had it's benefits. However...

Although it had it's benefits, Kai also started to notice a pattern.

The system, always wanted Kai to keep growing. No matter what. Whether it was when  he fought against Igris or when he entered a dungeon. It put limitations to train him, make him grow. However, even then, many things were still question were still unanswered. Why did the system choose him? Why were his powers completely different to what his fighting style was?

Soon, Kai just shaked his head, as he wrapped one of the towels provided to him by the clerk at his lower waist.

Soon, Kai opened the door inside, and was met by the steamy room of the main spring.

It had a massive view toward the city, as Kai looked at it.

Kai's thoughts: Still, all of those questions can be answered later. For now, I'll just relax.

With that, Kai fully got into the warm water, as he let out a gasp.

Kai's thoughts: Ah...That's the spot.

As he said this, he knew nothing could go wrong...

???: *Confuse* Eh?

However, from the other side of where Kai was sitting, another person let out a sound.

She looked back at Kai in both shock and embarrassment, as she covered herself. Throughout the whole time, she was blushing.

Yet, part of her couldn't help but keep staring.

Finally, Kai let out a sigh, before talking, still with his eyes closed.

Kai: It's good to see you...Alexia.

As he said that, the person, who was revealed to be Alexia, took a long breath to control herself.

She needed to maintain a calm demeanor.

Alexia: I was sure that I would be alone as long as I arrived early enough. But...*Blush* It certainly is good to see you, Kai...

As she said that, Kai only nodded.

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