A Choice For the Strong Part 1

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No Pov, Before Rose's breakdown

Currently, inside of her personal room, Beta was mostly sitting around, gathering her things.

In a few minutes, she was supposed to roundabout with Alexia.

This was most likely, because Iris Midgar, had told her that Rose was last seen on the sewers. Whether it was because of pity or because she's focused on the tournament, who knew.

Whatever the case was, Beta only sighed.

Beta's Thoughts: This is easier when it's with the rest of Shadow Garden.

Although Beta has found this experience...Entertaining, for better terms, it was still somewhat of a drag.

She's lucky that it's Rose instead of Alexia, otherwise, she wouldn't even attempt to help.

Getting her things, Beta grabs her notebook and walks toward the door. She opens it and leaves quickly.

However, as she did, she didn't noticed how someone was in front of her.

As they clash, Beta tumbles and is about to fall...

Acting quickly, the person grabs Beta and holds onto her.

Beta was about to whine, most likely thinking it was Alexia just who couldn't wait for her.

But just then, a familiar voice came to her.

???: *Concern* Oh god, Beta, are you ok? I'm sorry, I was just about to knock.

Looking up in shock, Beta's eyes, widen as they met with the person.

Beta: *Small Blush* Lord Kaiser!?

That's right, the person who caught Beta, was non other than Kai.

After meetings with Epsilon, he had come to speak with Beta, about Rose herself.

Kai: *Worried* You ok?

Beta: *Small Blush* Uh yes...*Looks Down* B-But...Uh...

Kai then looks down, seeing their position.

He ended up holding her, in a princess carry position

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He ended up holding her, in a princess carry position.

Beta's Thoughts: *Blush* H-He's princess carrying me...*Bigger Blush* Just like in my book!!!

As Beta was fantasizing this, Kai felt like over step his boundaries. Seeing this, he ends up letting her down, as he also blushed himself.

The two looked away from each, Beta slightly disappointed for getting embarrassed and having her drop him.

It was a bit weird, however, with a cough from Kai, Beta's attention is back on him.

Kai: Beta, you were going somewhere?

Hearing that question, Beta's attention came back to where she had to go. Although she was supposed to go there, it wasn't for another 30 minutes.

The real reason why she was even going before time, was because she wanted to check with the members of Shadow Garden nearby, Rose's location.

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