What was Hidden Beneath the Truth

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A/N: Accidentally deleted this chapter. Sorry everyone.

No Pov

After separating themselves from the members of Shadow Garden, Claire, Yue and Mary had continued forward, killing whatever laid on their path.

Whether they were ghouls or vampires, they continued to fight them all.

Claire: Hah!

Claire proceeded to decapitate the head of a nameless vampire that had gotten in her way. However, as she did, the future merely took a step back, as it was still standing.

Currently, the three of them were fighting against the current assault of vampires, as Mary and Yue, were fighting against one.

Seeing the vampire still stand, Claire took a step back, annoyed. Her opponent, just wouldn't go down.

Claire: *Annoyed* Kuh. He's still moving, even after I cut his head off!

Yue: *Deadpan* Didn't you pay attention to us...?

Mary: Claire! Pierce his heart...!

At the two remarks, Claire immediately remember what the two girls had told her about vampires. Their strength and weaknesses alike.

Immediately, Claire lunged at the vampire, as she stabbed him in the heart. Once she did, the vampire stopped moving completely.

After Claire's done, the body of the vampire falls onto the floor, as it becomes ashes in the wind

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After Claire's done, the body of the vampire falls onto the floor, as it becomes ashes in the wind. Even the mightiest of creatures, had such weaknesses.

After they're done, the three of them put away their weapons, as Claire looks around the area, for anyone else.

Right now, it was only them. They had encountered 30 ghouls and 8 vampires, here.

They had managed to kill then for now. However, Claire soon noticed something, as she looked around.

Claire: The higher we go, the more vampires we come across.

She was right. At first, they just encountered a few ghouls, because some of the forces were outside in the city.

However, the more they climbed, the more enemies they encountered. And even vampires showed up.
However, both Yue and Mary seemed very dismissive about it.

Mary: Yes. But you're skilled enough to deal with them.

Yue: *Nods* ...

As the two of them gave their remarks, mostly Mary, Claire looked at the two of them, with squinted eyes.

Claire: *Suspicious* As are you two...

As Claire said that, the three of them continued to walk, as Yue also returned Claire's gaze toward her. Her tone and sudden precaution had completely been caught by her.

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