The Return of Blood

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Claire: *Smiling* Mmh! Delicious! The Mitsugoshi Company's restaurant is really something else! I've never heard of this "rosbif" before!!!

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Claire: *Smiling* Mmh! Delicious! The Mitsugoshi Company's restaurant is really something else! I've never heard of this "rosbif" before!!!

At the sudden remark, Claire smiles happily, as she stuffed herself with even more food.

No matter how many bites she took, the flavor was otherworldly.

As a low class noble, Claire wouldn't have dreamed of eating this. Heck, even when she was spending time with Princess Iris, eating with her, the food wasn't that good.

The ability and innovation that Mitsugoshi comes up with.

As she did, sitting on the table with her, Kai and Cid were both sitting along her.

After the events of the God of War festival, things have calmed down a bit more. Kai's and Cid's lives, return back to normal, as per their usually shinatigans.

While Cid continued on his eternal mission, to be recognized as a mob, Kai decided to be attentive to any incoming event that might be happening from Shadow Garden.

Fortunately, Alpha had informed him, that there was nothing at the moment. Or at least, nothing he should worry about.

While that filmed him with joy and relaxation...He couldn't help but feel uneased.

Back at the diner, Cid and Kai smiled at her.

Cid: I'm glad you liked it.*Raises Cup* Congratulations on your victory on the God of War festival.

Kai: *Nods* Indeed. You truly earned this, sister.

At the remark, Claire smiled at her two brothers before looking back at the dish.

Claire: *Smiles* Thank you! I'm surprised you had the means to arrange all of this, though. Not only are we in a high-end restaurant. You both also got us, the most expensive course in a private room.

She was honestly impressed. They were currently dining in the VIP section of restaurant in Mitsugoshi. Not even normal nobility managed to get here often. It was usually reserved for a duke or the royals only.

Not only was it isolated from any sort of distraction, with members of Shadow Garden looking out but also soundproof.

It would be impossible, for people to get this room, as quickly as Kai and Cid did.

However, being the leaders of Shadow Garden, came with the perks that most of the time, they could ask for anything from the girls and they would help them.

Kai's Thoughts: *Smiles* It's only a miracle that Cid doesn't ask for money.

However, non of that mattered. What did, was this small celebration.

Cid: Well, I...*Looks at Kai* Kai here happens to be friends with Mitsugoshi's CEO. *Looks Down and Murmurs* Although I'm pretty sure I ask for the cheapest seat and food...

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