Leaders of Shadow Garden, Brothers of Fate

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As everyone stayed quiet, they look around at the amount of corpses on the ground. All of the High Orcs were dead and yet...They were also standing, now like Shadows.

Kaiser look down at his soldiers, as they had increased a great amount.

Kaiser's thoughts: From 345 to more than 6000 soldiers. Although I can't turn the remaining 2000 into shadows as well, this is good enough for now. Besides...*Looking at Tusk* Now I have a second one.

As Kaiser watched his new shadow, he also looked at the system window which was beside him. There, it said Tusk name and also his rank: Elite Knight.

Kai had seen only four distinctive classes for each of the his shadows. The weakest shadows, which could match students and Alexia and Rose could easily kill, were sentries.

Then, they went the Elites. The elites were summons who had greater strength and were only barely stronger than those girls and almost as strong as Iris.

However, the one that he held a very good amount was the other one. Knights. This is the class in which, Igris, Frost, Iron, Tank and Zen were all in. This type of warriors were even stronger than Iris and is in the same realm as the Seven Shades.

And then...the ranking in which Leviathan and now Tusk. Elite Knights.

As he thought, before they could even question anything, the whole place lit up.

As everyone's eyes widen, they all closed their eyes, to shield their lights from it.

Finally, the light died down, and when it did, a voice sounded.

???: Lord Kaiser! Are you alright?

When everyone heard that, Kaiser opened his eyes and look toward the voice. Standing there in his attire, Nu was standing there, along with other members of Shadow Garden as they looked worried.

Seeing the area around them, they could easily tell that after the death of Kargalgan, they had returned to the great hall.

Kaiser: *Curious* Nu? What happened?

As he asked, the girl looked back at him seriously. Although her master had been gone, she needed to fully informed him of the events that happened.

 Although her master had been gone, she needed to fully informed him of the events that happened

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Nu: *Kneel* Lord Kaiser. After your sudden disappearance, only 30 an hour have passed. However, many things have happen. The leaders of this attack seems to have escaped already, after setting the academy on fire.

When Kaiser heard that, his eyes narrow.

Kaiser's Thoughts: Only 30 minutes? It definitely felt longer.

From arriving into the separate dimension of the red gate, to defeating Kargalgan, it definitely passed a lot of time.

Yet, that wasn't the problem. He needed to concentrate on the matter at hand. He needed to fully finished this and save the rest of the students. With the building on fire, he needed to take care of everything quickly.

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