The World's Enemies: Kaiser and Shadow

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Everyone didn't know what to say...

In front of their eyes, was a sight, that no one, had even imagined could be possible.

The sky themselves were also shaking, as a storm had formed...And lighting and water drops fell from the sky...

Many people, had different reactions to the emergence of both Kaiser and Shadow.

Doem: *Panic* Impossible...!

Doem couldn't believe it. The Cult's enemies, were right here. Did they somehow predicted his plan?

Was there a chance that the information leaked?

The possibilities were endless...And that scared Doem.

Meanwhile, many other contestants were also panicking. Such as Quinton, Goldoh and Annerose. The three of them had crossed blades, with the two leaders of an unknown organization.

However...Rose, for some reason...Looked at them in trance...

Something about what Shadow and Kaiser did...Awaken an old memory...One...Of admiration...

However, before she could say anything, from the side, more guards came, all from Oriana.

They were glaring at the two, as they rushed toward them.

Rose was about to intervene but before she did, the shadows that were beside her, stopped her.

However, there was no need to worry.

Right before the guards even reached them, the two rush at the guards, and cut them down...

Yet...Something happened in Rose's eyes...

If she wasn't sure about her memory...She was now. The way they both moved...Fought...

As that happened, she passed the shadows and went toward them.

From the side, however, Iris yelled at her, as her eyes widen, seeing Rose's actions.

Iris: *Panic* P-Princess Rose! K-Kaiser and Shadow are too dangerous! I'll call the knights now!

She slowly stood up and looked towards her concern. Whatever Rose had or hadn't done, this was still a dangerous situation.

She couldn't allow her to get even closer...

However, her remark fell to depths ears, as Rose kept approaching, as her hair was covering her eyes.

Rose: *Disbelief* Kaiser...Shadow...? No, it can't be. *Shock* Those beautiful swings and movements just now...There's no doubt.

Rose then looked toward the two, as her emotions went into overdrive.

She knew them...She knew who they were.

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