Duel Between Gods and Monsters

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As the four fighters stare down at each other, the stakes couldn't be higher. On one side, the leaders of Shadow Garden, Shadow and Kaiser, were standing in front of two beings that most people had never even heard of.

While that happened, back on the VIP lounge, the three girls and the acting Archbishop were seeing all of this shock.

Nelson: No...It can't be...Why? How!?

Nelson wasn't believing anything. Both enemies that were summoned...One of them had never reacted to anyone else in history, while the other...He wasn't sure how it was summoned.

Hearing Nelson, Alexia looked back at him with even more suspicion.

Alexia: Archbishop Nelson? Who are they?

However, before Nelson could even say anything, someone beat him to it.

Beta: Aurora...The woman is Aurora, the witch of Ruin/Calamity.

At the sudden remark, they all looked at her.

Rose: *Confuse* Ms. Natsume? Who is Aurora?

If this was a legendary warrior, Rose never heard of her. Especially one that has the name of ruin.

However, Beta only looked at this with pure seriousness.

Natsume: Aurora, the witch of ruin. It is said that she once threw the world into pure chaos.

Rose: I've never heard of her...

Alexia: *Skeptical* How you do you about her?

Hearing her, Beta laughs before looking back at Akexia.

Beta: It comes as a perk of being an author...I seek the write about everything...Learn everything.

As Beta said that, she reached into her blossom and, from between her chest, pulled out a small notebook. When she does, Nelson looks at her, with a perverted look.

Beta: That being said, through the ages, they have called Aurora many names...But as to, what ruin and chaos did she brought. Which is why...

Beta then lean toward Nelson, as his eyes widen.

Beta: Dear Archbishop...If you would be so kind, please tell me more about the Witch of Ruin~

Upon seeing her, Nelson tried to shake the blush, before nodding toward Beta, excited.

Nelson: Of course! I-I'd be glad to! *Clears his throat* Yes indeed. It's only to be expected that your highnesses wouldn't know about it. In fact, I'm surprised that Miss Natsume knows her name. After all, even in the church, only a few selected few...

As Nelson said that, he looked back at Aurora. Her appearance was definitely a surprise, however, taking care of the enemies should be easy now...Even now when "He's" here.

Nelson:...However...The other one...I'm not allowed to tell you so much more the other one...

At that remark, Beta's eyes widen.

Beta's thoughts: Wait...He knows...that thing???

Beta then looked back at the massive, demon that had appeared, while riding a dragon. For some reason, whenever Beta saw it, her skin crawled, almost as if she wanted to get away.

However, this was a golden opportunity.

Quickly leaning in, she look back at Nelson.

Beta: Oh, don't be like that!!!

Beta: Oh, don't be like that!!!

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