Monarch of the Night Vlad

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All of them could only stare.

Standing above them, was the true monster of the Lawless City. Looking down at them, from his throne.

A throne constructed from the blood, sweat, and work of god knew how many people.

Everyone was able to witness a display of power, as no one could move because of the stakes, that had stabbed themselves into them.

However, all of them had been able to notice one small detail. All of their major organs, and body parts, had been missed.

Had they gotten lucky perhaps? Or did the Vampire Primordial intentionally miss, in order to play with his prey before drinking their blood?

However, seeing that, Juggernaut started to struggle, against the stakes, as he tried to move.

Juggernaut's Thoughts: *Grunting* Come on!!! I already had gotten myself free from one of these things before! Just need to power through it!!!

What he was talking about, was when he had managed to break free from this technique, when Yue had used it. Although they seemed a bit different, it was very much the same concept.

Blood stakes come from the ground, pinning him in place. And just like before, he could power through it!

However, no matter what he did. No matter how much he tried to break free, almost as if the stakes had even pierced his soul.

Seeing that, the Vampire Primdordial looked at the figure of Juggernaut, with a questioning expression. He should be smart enough to know that it is useless to struggle.

Yet, Juggernaut continued.

Juggernaut: Damn it! What the hell are these things!? I was able to break free before but now I can't!

As he said that, the Vampire Primordial looked toward Yue. As he did, Yue evaded his gaze, as he smirked.

Vlad's Thoughts: I see. So that's why he's feeling so courageous.

As he said that, Vlad began to grin.

Vlad: Facinating

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Vlad: Facinating...Even at the face of dread, your spirit remains unbroken.

At the remark, Juggernaut stops struggling and looks up from his position. When he does, he sees the Vampire Primordial standing up from the throne, before walking down the stairs.

He carried himself elegantly, as he barely seemed to waste his energy. His royal-like robes, barely seem old, as they seemed just tailored.

Vlad: Even though I've lived for thousands of years, somehow...*Sneers* You humans always find ways to amuse me.

As he said that, he walked toward the side, where a puddle of blood was present. The same area where Beta's arrow had hit.

Blood. It was all that remained of the Vampire Progenitor, the Blood Queen, Elizabeth.

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