A Plan of Vengeance and Retaliation

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Kaiser: Pst. Author!

Starkiller21ost: What? I have an important test next Friday, which I need to pass.

Kaiser: Shut up, your just watching Brooklyn 99.

Starkiller21ost: *Sigh* What do you want?

Kaiser: Publish the chapter!

Starkiller21ost: What!? But I haven't finished the light novel! What if I screw something up!

Kaiser: Retcon it?

Starkiller21ost: *Annoyed* You little-

Kaiser: Look man, this one is complete. Just do it.

Starkiller21ost: *Sigh* I hate you.


Currently, in an unknown location, many figures were all meeting each other, as they were arriving into a large room.

All of them, were dressed differently. Some of them, were dressed in an elegant, almost noble like clothing, others were dressed in armors and suits, and finally, they were those, who just used whatever they wanted.

This group, was the one in charge of many atrocities, which no one could find nor blame right now. For decades, they have evaded the publics eye, and continued with their experiments, for power and glory.

This was, the ever mysterious Diabolos Cult.

Most specifically, this was the leaders and core members of the whole organization. Divided among twelve members, each given certain jobs and sections.

This, were the Knights of Round...Or at least...Those that were still alive.

As they all sat there, non of them spoke a single word. All of them, although they were allies, they weren't actually friends. Each of them, were cold hearted people, who would sacrifice each other, to further their own plans.

They were divided, because of constant threats and arguments. It was even very rare for them to come together.

As that happened, however, one man suddenly sighted out loud, as to get their attention.

???: Well, this is getting boring, so can one of you assholes speak already?

At the sudden remark, many of the people present glared at the man who spoke. Although he was a very important member, they still didn't like this carelessness from him. Specially, as one member, looked at him with disdain.

Round Member: *Serious* Be careful now. You're in no position, to be a bother right now...Toji...

At the remark, the man named Toji smirked and look back at the man who spoke to him. Toji, was the same who was in the God of War festival and had assisted Doem Ketsuhat with his mission.

Hearing the man's words, Toji only continued to look contempt, as he decided to mock the man.

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