And the Truth Will Set you Free

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Currently, Kai was walking through the floors of the Crimson Tower, as he made his way around the many traps and enemies around it.

Although the location was indeed massive, Kai was easily able to cover most of the grounds, through the Shadows that were with him.

Before entering the tower, the majority of his shadows had been in the city, taking care of the ghouls that were attacking. This left, Kai a bit out of soldiers. Fortunately, by the time he had entered the tower, the majority of his shadows had already returned. All of them, including Beru and his legion.

Although he trusted them to fully take care of what was out there, they managed to secure the safety of the citizens of the Lawless City...

Kaiser's Thoughts: *Looks Down* Yes...The citizens of the Lawless City...

As he said that, from his shadow, Beru suddenly came out, before kneeling in front of Kaiser. When he did, he fully prostrated himself, while he had tears coming out of his eyes.

Beru: *Crying* Forgive me, my liege! We failed to account for the beast running away, while also infecting some people who made it, outside of the city!

Kaiser: *Sigh* Don't worry, Beru. I do not blame any of you...*Murmurs* I just blame myself for being so foolish...

What Kai was lamenting, was the fact that he didn't account for all of the possible scenarios of this invasion

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What Kai was lamenting, was the fact that he didn't account for all of the possible scenarios of this invasion. Although he did manage to protect the majority of the citizens of the Lawless City, he didn't account for the possibility that they could run away from the city.

The ghouls had somehow, also escaped beyond the confines of the city, and were heading toward many different kingdoms. In particular, the kingdoms of Midgar and Oriana.

He didn't believe it was possible. He only managed to discover this, was because he happened to be checking one of his shadows, and saw him listening to a conversation between two Spellswords.

When he did, he completely blamed himself. There was nothing he could do. He wouldn't send his shadows into a foolish run...Not after what he saw, as soon as he entered the tower.


As soon as Kaiser was entering the Crimson Tower, suddenly, a notification of the System popped up, gaining his attention.

System: Special Quest Started: Bloodline Extinction.

Kaiser's Thoughts: *Confused* What the hell...?

The sight of the system was something that caught Kaiser off guard for a split second. The last time, he saw the System, directly interfering, was when he was back in the Holy Land of Lindwurm. This happened, in conjunction with the Sanctuary, as it decided to summon The King of Demons, Baran, into this world, through something called "Forgotten Memories"

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