The Rescue of the Bloodline and Job Change Part 1

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Kai's Pov

A/n: I age them up for reasons.

Kai's narration: Since the formation of Shadow Garden, it's been 3 years. Cid, Alpha, and I turned 15, while Claire had turned 17. Must children must attend school at the age of 17. My sister would have as well but the day she was supposed to leave.

Cid and I look inside the room, as everything was a mess. From the bed being undone to every piece of furniture broken in two and heavily damaged.

Kai's narration: On that day...our sister was kidnapped.

No Pov

Inside of Claire's room, the whole family was present, from her two younger brothers, Kai and Cid, to their parents. They watched the scene in awe and worry. Claire was by no doubt weak. She was the strongest in the family, followed by Kai. So when someone manage to take her, of course, their family had their fair share of reactions.

Their parents were wrecking their heads, trying to find a solution

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Their parents were wrecking their heads, trying to find a solution.

Pops: To be able to kidnap Claire...Even though it happened in the middle of the night, someone must have been exceptionally skilled.

Although how much they mock their father, he was a veteran Dark Knight. He knew the extreme lengths of one's strength and how to use magic. He understood his strength of Claire better than anyone.

Momma: *Smiled* if they were so skilled, I suppose there's nothing we could have done...?

Of course, the parents were right beside them and weren't able to even notice the struggle. Claire's father, as a veteran knew what he needed to say and do.

Pops: Nothing at all. Thus I can't be held responsible for what happened even though I was next room.

When the head of the Kagenou family said that, both Cid and Kai stare blankly at him, while their mother watched the scene in contempt. She had a hand on her cheek, with a look of understanding.

However, in the next second, using magic, she strokes the old man, with enough force to crush a boulder, sending him flying upwards into the air.

Momma: *Annoyed* Screw you baldy! Don't give me those excuses!

Pops: Oww!

Although Kai felt bad, there was nothing he could do for his deal old father. Cid and he could only watch as blood spilled from the old man, as their mother's rampage continued. Part of them hoped it wasn't their turn next.

Their mother was clearly dissatisfied with her husband's efforts.

Momma: What will happen to our family's hope now!? Kai's too young to take such responsibility!

Pops: I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

The mother then proceeded to beat up the father, while both Kai and Cid exchanged glances and left the room.

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