Who's the Real Enemy and Their Intentions

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Currently, it was the next, in the student cafeteria. Kai and Cid were currently there, along with Cid's mob friends.

Skel: Yo! Cid, K-man!

Po: I'm surprised you both made it. When Kai didn't come back and Cid, you forget something, we were worried about you both.

Cid: Hm, it's a good thing you two were there to help.

Kai: *Nods* Yeah. In my case, it couldn't be helped.

While Kai had gone to capture a member of the Diabolos Cult that night along with Nu, Cid on the other hand also encountered assassins. In the end, he just killed them off.

Skel: *Grin* But that's enough shit talking...

As Po and Skel said that, they both reached into their backs and drew a case of chocolates

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As Po and Skel said that, they both reached into their backs and drew a case of chocolates. The same ones that Cid had gathered for them in his journey to Gamma's company.

They both looked motivated and excited.

Skel: *Grin* The plan is in motion!!!

Po: Operation: Lady Killer with a present!!!

As the plan implied, Cid's friends wanted to use the chocolate as a gift to the girls, so that they paid attention toward them.

It was a simple minded plan...with a high chance of failure.

Skel then looked around in the cafeteria until he spotted a girl, sitting along.

Skel: My target is right over there! She always eats alone, so I'm sure wooing her will be easy!!!

As Skel said that, Po then looked back toward a group of two girls, who were talking among each other.

Po: And I will go for that girl! I've already researched everything there is to know about her! *Smug* Her social circles, room number, favorite food, body measurements, the color of her panties and everything!

Skel: *Excited* Oh, nice going!

As Skel and Po were in their own world, Kai and Cid exchanged glances.

Kai's thoughts: There's no way this works.

As Kai thought this, Skel looked back at both brothers. He either succeeded and laugh at both or failed with them.

Skel: What about you, K-man, Cid?

When they both heard that, the two brothers look down at their hands. Each of them were holding onto a pair of chocolates.

Honestly, this was a good gesture, however they doubt it would work that well.

Cid: *Nolactant* Eh, I'll just give it to some rando.

While Cid thought, Kai on the other hand, put his chocolates away.

Kai: I'll save them for later.

Although Kai wasn't gonna participate, Skel and Po were already excited.

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