Those Who Fell From Grace for Vengeance Part 1

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NO POV, Unknown Space

If Darnic the Merciless of the Diabolos Cult, could describe what he was seeing, and what he was feeling, it would be two things.

Disgust and awe...

After been "killed" by the Vampire Primordial, Darnic suddenly found himself in an unknown space, one surrounded by bloody halls and walls, that seem to be getting torn apart by the second.

It was as if the space itself was damaged, upon by an unknown force. Whether it was because a fight between humans happened...Or was it torn apart by monsters, he didn't know.

However, this place had its own beauty in the ogliness. A type of elegance and history, beneath all of the guts, bloods and destruction. Something that told him more, than what meets the eye.

Seeing that, Darnic kept on walking. Looking for something to make sense of his situation. Was he on purgatory, because of his actions? Was this another dimension...Did he get transported into another world after dead...?

Darnic's Thoughts: *Amuse* That's ridiculous...

There was no way an afterlife existed...All that was after death, was the emptiness of the world. There was no greater place or even a grand celebration.

There wasn't a torture chamber for the souls of the damn or even a place were they paid for their sins for eternity.

That, was Darnic's belief.

After walking for a while, Darnic arrived to what seemed like a massive throne room. The place, was even messier than anything he'd seen.

All around him, large masses of blood were present, circulating on something.

Getting curious, Darnic approached the blood mass, as he peaked into it. When he did, his eyes went wide.

Inside of the blood mass, a familiar figure was present. One that he had recently seen.

It was the same person, that Vlad had suddenly turned into, the mess with his daughter, Yue. The same boy with white hair, with his eyes closed.

Along with him, blood tendrils, connecting him to the main throne, were present. However, that wasn't all.

They were a total of 9 of them.

After checking each one, he spotted the same thing. A person inside of them. However, all of them shared a distinct detail. All of them, seemed like vampires. And very powerful ones at that.

All of them had fancy, distinctive clothes, that marked them. It seemed as if thought, men, women didn't matter. Old or young...

As Darnic was about to touch one of them...A sudden sound gained his attention.

He turned toward it...The direction of the throne. There, he found a familiar person kneeling over, as he held onto his head in pain.

Vlad: *Brething Heavily* You...Why aren't you inside one of the pods already...?

At the sudden remark, Darnic smirked.

So he was also supposed to be inside one of pods, as he called them. Quiet enlightening.

Darnic: How should I know, my king. I was free of said prison, when I woke up and looked around this place...*Walks Forward* It is very interesting...

As he said that, Darnic walked toward the pedestals of the area, as he examined each one, with a curious glance. On them, figures were present.

The figures of Yue, Elizabeth, other vampires were on some. In others, the same people currently trapped inside of pods he mentioned.

At the other side, his weapons, and other things were also present. His weapon...His garbs...

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