The Fight Among Lawless Monarchs

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Currently, standing on top of a rooftop, Kaiser was looking down at the massive, Lawless City. He was looking down at a couple of people, as they kept evacuating.

As he did, he continued to analyze everything, from the perspective of his shadows. From there, he had constantly watch the majority of the actions and events within the city.

The people escaping from the city, the multiple ghouls attacking, and even the vampire reinforcements.

However, thanks to a large number of his shadows, he has been able to constantly fight the waves.

Kaiser: *Looks Down* So far, so good...

Of course, only because things hadn't become unpredictable. The actions that the ghouls took, were very much, predictable, once someone sees their actions.

The vampires...Were a bit more difficult...But, overall, they don't pose much of a challenge.

As Kaiser kept looking at them, suddenly, someone landed beside him.

Without even looking at them, Kaiser called out to the person.

Kaiser: Hey, Cid. How is it going?

At the sudden remark, Cid, in his shadow persona, approached his brother and knelt down toward him.

Shadow: Yes. *Chuckled* Everything is going perfectly...

As Shadow said that, Kaiser sweat dropped. They were many things that could happen. And with someone like Shadow in the way, it was bound to get worse. Really fast.

His brother's unpredictable actions, would definitely throw everything into a loop.

Shadow: *Grin* After all...Fufufu. There's nothing easier than taking gold and valuables from defenseless ghouls.

Hearing that, Kaiser just looked at him with a deadpan expression. He, didn't know why he was surprised.

Technically speaking, the ghouls were once human, so the should have either valuables or even money. Still, Cid didn't understand what "There's a time and place for everything but now, it's not one of them".

Shaking his head, Kaiser then continued to look at the city. However, he soon heard another voice.

???: My liege.

At the remark, Kaiser and Shadow turned around and noticed how Beru had returned, with the rest of his legion.

Seeing them, Cid whistle surprised. He hadn't before seen so many of his shadows, all in one place.

He still didn't know where they managed to get so many of them...

Shadow's Thoughts: *Turns Around* Oh well. Time to make some dough! This is my bonus stage: The Crimson Tower!!!

While Cid went back into his own business, Kai meanwhile stood there, listening to Beru's report.

Beru: *Kneeling* After carefully taking down the ghouls, I made sure that the other citizens evacuated.

Kaiser: *Nods* I see. Excellent work, Beru. I can always count on you.

Hearing that, Beru's eyes widen before tears form of his face.

Beru: *Sobbing* My liege! *Bows* Your words honor me, so much!

At that remark, the rest of the ants also knelt down, as Kai sweat dropped at the display. This ultimate loyalty was starting to make him wonder a lot of things.

Even smart enemies, such as Beru, Tusk, Igris, the Knights of Round, they all followed him without question. Even though he killed then.

However, as he remenicing about that, he thought back. To something...That he hadn't thought about, so much...

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