A Princess Struggle and A Noble's Duty

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After meeting Rose in the middle in the middle of the street, her and Kai started to walk together, as they talk about a few things.

As Kai looked at her, he noticed how she seemed to be returning just after practice.

Rose was someone who would always do what she could do today instead of leave it to later.

Kai: So, we're you practicing, before meeting me?

Hearing that, Rose only nodded with a smile.

Rose: Yes. *Looks Down* And I've seen you've tried one of Mitsugoshi's new products, a Tacollaqui!

As Rose said, Kai was currently eating one of those. However, just like many other things, this was also a copy of an item in Kai's old world.

While here, they were called, Tacollaqui; Back then, it was called, Takoyaki.

Seeing this, Rose only giggled in delight.

Rose: Their food is delicious! We went there with the girls the other day.

Kai: The girls?

Hearing that, Kai asked. She didn't refer to the members of the Student Council. If she didn't, then who?

Rose, only smiled brighter.

Rose: Me, Miss Natsume and Alexia!

Kai: *Surprise* You three?

To say that he was surprised, wasn't an exaggeration. Kai was truly shock, that the three of them would become friends or at least, Alexia and Beta would.

It was an unlikely trio of influential people, in their own way.

However, Kai couldn't help but wonder something.

Kai's Thoughts: Are they doing this, because I told the girls to watch over Alexia and Rose?

Back during the Sanctuary, Kai had told the girls and even in other occasions, to watch and protect them.

While he had shadows on both of them, it was a bit difficult for him, to protect the two, since he could only use Shadow Exchanged once.

While part of Kai though that there was no one that could fight off his shadows, he could never be to careful.

Especially, after Olivier's message or better said, warning.

This world or worlds are still very big and unexplored. There was no way to tell if someone strong was gonna come at him one day.

So, to think that Shadow Garden would literally place Beta with them...Or maybe it was a coincidence. Who could tell truly.

Rose: *Smiles* Yes, I've been specially hitting it of with Ms. Natsume lately! And Alexia is a kind girl, so it's very easy to get along with her!

As soon as he heard that, Kai sweatdropped a bit.

Kai's Thoughts; Alexia...? Kind?

When Kai first met Alexia, she seemed a bit condescending. Someone who used her authority to do whatever she wanted. However, upon meeting her better, Kai was able to discover more layers of her.

Through wanting to become her own person and support he believes...That was the Alexia that Kai had gotten knew. Perhaps because both of her and Rose were royalty, they instantly hit it off.

As soon as Rose finished, her smile falter. Kai looked directly at her.

His Sense skill had told him something was wrong. Rose was feeling...Ashamed, tired and even...Sad...

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