King of the Dead Vs Duke of Midnight

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After his sudden appearance, everyone present just stare at Kaiser, as he stood infront of Shadow Garden, the two rulers of the Lawless City and the trio of Claire, Mary and Yue defensively.

He stood there, against the Vampire Primordial, Vlad, as from behind him, Darnic stood wide eyed.

In fact, all of them were. Nothing was really expecting the sudden arrival and rescue.

Kaiser had just shown up, released them from the stakes that Juggernaut couldn't break with ease, and still had the audacity to stand infront of Vlad, telling him to wait.

Each person, of course, had their own reaction.

Juggernaut: *Shock* It's that wacko!?

Yukime: It's that gentleman!

Mary/Yue: It's you!!!

However, out of everyone else, the biggest reaction belong to a certain short hair elf.

Beta: *Excited* Lord Kaiser!?

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Beta: *Excited* Lord Kaiser!?

Out of all of the people, Beta appeared to be the most happy for Kaiser's arrival, forgetting how she technically didn't want to depend on him.

However, seeing him taking charge, was enough for her to forget about all of her problems and only focus on him.

Beta: You came for us, Lord Kaiser! *Blushing* Oh, you look so gallant!

As she said that, Beta pull her hand over her chest, as she grabbed her slime suit. When she did, she reached into it and pull out a small notebook.

Once she did, she started to once more write for her personal novel, as she was watching all of this with pure admiration and excitement.

Meanwhile, Cha could only look at her, with a deadpan expression.

Cha's Thoughts: *...-_-...* Did she already forgot how we were almost sacrificed??

Although they were about to be "devoured" by the Primordial Vampire, her love of writing and Kaiser's appearance, had completely taken her off guard.

However, as she thought that, she looked up at Kaiser, before smiling.

Cha's Thoughts: Then again...*Sniffs* It smells so good now...

As she thought that, however, both Cha and Beta were suddenly taken out of their thoughts, by Kaiser's voice.

Kaiser: Beta...I thought I told you and the rest of the Shades, to not come to the Lawless City...

At the remark, Beta's eyes widen before looking away, embarrassed and in shame.

When did remember when Kaiser had told her, to not come to the Lawless City. Yet, she don't listen. She decided to even bring a small squad of number members, ignoring the consequences and their safety.

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