The Saviors' Song

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After the events of Kai's battle in the festival, as the self-proclaim Eclipse, the matches became extremely boring. The 5 round wasn't anything important, for neither of the brothers. Cid end up fighting Quinton and was defeated easily.

Meanwhile, Kai fought a random guy. The fight ended really quickly, as the person threw his sword at the ground immediately and gave up.

He rather give up instead of fighting...

Smart move.

As that happened, both brothers were now together on Cid's room.

The two of them were in utter silence, as Cid was reading his noble and Kai was spinning one of his daggers around.

It was a bit of a resting day for the brothers, since they had to wait before the fight.

As they sat around, Kai was mostly enjoying the quiet atmosphere...Unfortunately, it wasn't set to last.

Cid: *Uncertain*...Sooo, want to talk about what happened?

When Cid asked that, Kai look over at him. Cid's expression, while not exactly worried, it was mostly curious.

Cid wasn't particularly worry about Kai's attitude. But his tone was uncertain, because if it was because of him, he didn't want to know.

Kai just looked at him with an exasperated expression. De-Summoning his dagger, he gave Cid his attention.

Kai: *Sigh* It wasn't that crazy...You could probably do it too...

Hearing that, Cid look at Kai confused.

However, before he could question it, Kai finally continued.

Kai: In a matter of speaking...I concentrate my magic, on my weapon...

Hearing that, Cid looked at him even more confused.

Seeing that, Kai sighted. He expected Cid to at least understand that.

He then summoned the same sword that he used before...

The sword was named...Bradamante...Olivier's gift toward Kai.

The sword was an S grade item, which increased both his offense and magical sense. Although his Demon King Dagger's were even better.

The ability, was like this; Kai could fuse his shadows, to his attack. As a way to explain this, he can infuse a shadow/darkness, to his magical outburst skill, Dark Nova. However, instead letting it all explode as once, like he did against Zenon and in the Sanctuary.

He then controls the magic output of the attack, deciding how much to use. From that, Kai created 5 unique forms of attacks.

The one that he used against Goldoh, was merely the first one...

However, another interesting fact, was that Kai controlled the output of the attack itself. He only use seven percent.

In the end, the system also recognized this forms as skills, similar to Mutilation.

As Kai thought that, he then looked back at Cid. He began to give an explanation he would get.

Once he was done, he made the sword disappeared, as Cid nodded.

Cid: *Murmur* Well...I guess I could apply that to my, I Am Atomic...

While Cid was interested about that...It wasn't what he meant.

Cid has known Kai for now, more than 10 years. By now, he can understand his brother's principles and mannerism.

Which is why, he noticed how something was troubling him.

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