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Nobody's POV:
Narumi and Naruto is in under a tree, as Naruto came in to his sister, his hands are behind his back, like he was hiding something, his sister look at him confusedly.

"Are you hiding something from me Naruto?" Narumi giggled, Naruto was kinda disappointed at himself because his sister figure it out, he wanted to surprise his sister though.. he proudly took out a flower crown.

"Look! Onee-Chan! I made this for you!!" He said and put it on Narumi's head, Narumi took a glance on the flower crown "Naruto.. it's so beautiful!" She commented and hugged his brother.

A little blush appears on Naruto's cheeks, he was grateful his sister like it, "Hehe, I'm glad Onee-Chan like it!" Naruto smiled, "I love it very much Naruto!" Narumi proudly said.

Narumi pulled away from the hug, "Nee, Naruto your birthday are almost there!!, which mean your going to become 5 years old too!" Narumi cheered.

Naruto smiled brightly, he was grateful his sister remember,"I know! I'm so excited Onee-Chan!" Naruto said jumping in excitement, he can't wait for that day to come, and celebrate his birthday with his sister.

"Nee,naruto, promise we will not leave each other behind?" Narumi said offering his pinky finger to do a promise deal, Naruto smiled and accepted the promise. "How could I leave my sister? I will never leave you onee-Chan!"

but little did Naruto didn't know that promise will not last longer,because he will be taken away tomorrow morning.

.. .. ... ..

The Sandaime Hokage called Narumi And Naruto, they came in, they were confused, wondering why they were called, "do you need something jiji?"naruto asked.

Hiruzen scanned Naruto, 'oh Minato and Kushina, you're son was the chosen to be the heir of Uzumakis" Hiruzen thought. "You may come in" Hiruzen said

Narumi and Naruto heard the door creak, they turned around and they saw an long white haired old man, he entered the room as the siblings look at him, the old man look at Naruto, scanning him from up and down.

He decided to introduce himself so he would not Naruto would not think that he's a creep, taking him away just like that " I'm Ashina Uzumaki" he said, "nice to meet you jiji!" Naruto smiled brightly, Ashina smiled back at the blonde, he cleared his throat before telling Naruto what he really came for.

"Naruto Uzumaki isn't it?" He asked, "yep that's me! believe it dattebayo!" Naruto said proudly as Narumi giggled at his brother's action.

"Well Naruto I came here for you.." he said and kneel down, Naruto and Narumi look at him confuse, "what do you mean jiji? Came here for me?" Naruto asked being confused.

"Yes.. I'm here to take you Naruto.. to take you with me.." Ashina said, as Naruto's blue eyes widened, Narumi didn't believe what she heard, 'what? Take Naruto away?' Narumi thought curiously.

Hiruzen looked away from there directions, looking at the sky, "you can't take away my brother!" Narumi insisted. Ashina sighed, "why do you want to take me with you jiji?" Naruto asked, he don't have any idea what he meant by taking him with him.

"I pick you as the heir Naruto, meaning if I died you're legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that day of my death, meaning you will inherit everything I have when I rdie" Ashina confessed.

Narumi and Naruto's eyes are still widened, "will.. my sister come.. with us?" Naruto asked, "sadly no, Naruto" Ashina answered.

"Y-you can't take my brother a-away! You can't s-separate us!" Narumi yelled, naruto looked at his sister in sorrowful look, "I understand, but it's for better" Ashina said.

"We are leaving now, please excuse us" Ashina spoke, Narumi froze on her spot, Naruto look at his sister desperately, he never thought they will get separated, "let's go naruto" Ashina spoke.

Ashina gazed at Naruto, if he wasn't ready he could come back tommorow to get him, but naruto already nodded, Ashina smiled, taking Naruto's small hands and they start to walk away in the hokage tower.

'Noo!! He can't take my brother away from me!!'Narumi yelled in her mind, chasing them until outside of the gate of the hidden leaf, "Naruto!" She called her brother's name, Naruto turned around to look at his sister, those uncontrollably tears start to roll down at her face.

Naruto look away from her, not wanting to see his sister cry, "naruto what about the promise we've created just yesterday?! You are already breaking it at this point!" Narumi said desperately, "onee-chan I-"Naruto was cut off because Anbu pulled Narumi away, dragging her away from his brother, "Naruto!!" Narumi screamed, Naruto watch his sister getting drag by the anbu, 'I'm sorry Narumi' he thought.

.. ... ... ..

"Let's go Naruto, we are running out of time" Ashina said, naruto nodded while looking down at the ground, "okay jiisan" Naruto said, he look at the leaf village one more time, then turned away, Naruto's heart was being stabbed, he don't like seeing his sister crying because oh him; he don't want to leave his sister but he can't do anything about it.

Ashina and Naruto got pretty far away in a from the leaf village now, Ashina took a glance at Naruto, he's expression say it all that he was desperate and nervous.

"you little kid seems nervous, don't worry I'll take care good of you" Ashina chuckled, Naruto look up to him, he scanned Ashina, he can't help but to giggle.

"You will like there because that village of ours is beautiful!" Ashina said, "really?! Give me an examples Jiisan!" Naruto asked excitedly, 'this child is a fast mood changer he was desperate and nervous and suddenly he turned into happy and excited ' Ashina chuckled at the thought he had.

"You'll see if we arrived there.. and also.. we'll celebrate your birthday together with anyone there!" Ashina said, Naruto's eyes sparkled, and smiled brightly "yay!thank you jiisan you're the best!" He said and jump with excitement.

'Maybe he wasn't that bad' Naruto thought, they had a conversations while walking, they stopped at a river to drink a water.

.. .. .. ..

they finally arrived at Uzushiogakure, it was afternoon they arrived, Naruto look at the village in amaze look, "jiisan this village is so beautiful than I thought!" He confessed.

"Ofcourse it was" Ashina laughed at the blonde's reaction, "maybe it's beautiful because you took care of it properly jiisan!" Naruto said proudly, "ofcourse, your jiisan really took care of this village with the first hokage!" He said proudly.

"The first hokage?! Woahhh! That's sooo coool jiisan!" Naruto said, "it was very cool, ofcourse!, let's go!" He said and they start to head in the village, Naruto looked around in amazement expression.

.. .. ... ..

That time Narumi and Naruto got separated to each other, Narumi made an many friends they were Sakura, Ino, Hinata,Tenten, Neji, lee, shikamaru, choji, shino, kiba, and lastly Sasuke, they aren't close that much..well Sasuke and Narumi is rival, they dislike each other, they don't hate each other.

I repeat this to those who didn't read the caption or the hashtags this isn't a femnaru x sasuke, it's clearly a boyxboy :)

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