Chapter 5

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Naruto's POV:
I went outside to get some fresh air, yes I was nervous because of my sister.. she is probably hate or angry at me, I sighed, "naruto!" I heard my sister called out my name.

I turned around and see her, "...need something?" I asked, "need something?! What do you mean I need something?! It's been so many ye-" I cut her off by pulling her into a hug.

"Damn you!" She sob at my shoulder, "I'm sorry Onee-Chan.." I apologized, I live 8 years ago far away with my sister, I was feeling very guilty when I left her behind, and she is now beside me.

"H-how could you!.." she whispered while sobbing, "shh.. It's fine now Onee-Chan I'm already beside you.." I said.

... .. ...
A minutes she calmed down and stop sobbing, she invited me to go with her to hang out with her friends, I don't want to, but I can't say no..

"Hey Narumi and....Naruto" a pineapple hair styled boy greeted, "Hey" I greeted back not wanting them to think I'm being rude, I seen a brunette with red fang markings on his face and with a dog on his head, and a boy with a green turtle neck suit, they both approached me with a grin on their face.

"Oh we go again..." a pink haired girl mumbled, "hello! I'm Lee and this is Kiba!" He said, "uhm.. i can introduce better.. thank you.. you don't have to introduce myself, yes because I can do it" Kiba said.

They glared at each other while I stared at them, "anyways I'm Kiba Inuzuka and this is Rock Lee, I am known as the best user of dogs!" Kiba said,"nice to meet you both.." I mumbled,

"Can we be your friends?!" Lee excitedly asked, "....sure" I smiled, they both cheered and the others introduced themselves to me except the.. black hair and black eyes with a duck butt hairstyle..

My sister caught me staring at someone, she raised her eyebrow and followed my gaze, now knowing that I am staring duckbutt-boy.

"Oh him.. he is Sasuke Uchiha, don't get too close to him.. he's a bastard" Narumi whisperered on my ear, "I think he's not that bad?.." i said, "oh please he is that bad with reallyyy bad attitude" she complained.

I didn't listen to her either, he look like he was that person that needed comfort.. that's all.. and I was about to approach him but my sister stopped me by grabbing my wrist

"don't worry Onee-Chan, nothing's bad going to happen " I said pulling my hand away from her, I approached him and sit beside him, he move away a little and look away.

"let's give them a time.." shikamaru whispered, enough for me to hear.

"Uhm..hey" I said tapping his shoulder, I know I'm bad at starting a conversation, he remove my hand in his shoulder, "what do you want?" He asked coldly.

"Nothing, you've been spacing out from them" i said pointing at the others who is not leaving, "tsk, so? It's not like I care and it's not like they cares" he spat coldly

I sighed, i took a gazed at his eyes, all I seen from his eyes was hatred and despair, I look at him awfully, "you are that person you haven't got the love you want don't you? or.. you haven't got enough love?" I asked.

He turned to look at me, I met his eyes and mine met his, I can saw the pain from his eyes after I admit those words.

Nobody's POV:
Sasuke met Naruto's eyes, he can't take off his gaze on him, like he was drowned on his eyes, 'You are that person who haven't got the love you want don't you? Or.. you haven't got enough love?' His word is spinning in his head.

"Sasuke?" Sasuke heard an Angel voice said, making Sasuke snapped in real world, "are you ok?.." naruto asked concerned, Sasuke hesitated to answer and look at the water in the river.

He seen an reflection on them both, "stop acting like you cared.." Sasuke said, " I never attend to approach you to act.. I know that you are that person that needed to feel beloved.. I know because I already experienced those feelings you had right now.."Naruto said,those words are making Sasuke's heart fluttered, he won't believe on his words..

"Uhm.. if you need some comfort I'm always here for you.. you can let it out all on me if it needs..just letting you know.." Naruto said, letting out an warm smile.

Sasuke gritted his teeth, "stop pretending you care dammit!! You don't know anything about me!Don't be a burden to my problems!" Sasuke yelled angrily and stood up and left, leaving Naruto there by himself, Sasuke don't like someone seeing him sob, Uchihas are supposed to be cold but Naruto is slowly melting his coldness, like he was the sun..

Naruto sighed and he watch the sunset going down, "yo" Naruto heard a voice behind him he turned around and seen a spikey silver haired man often oriented to his left side and he has black eyes.

"I'm Kakashi Hatake, I'm your sensei in team 7, it's nice to see you here Mr.Uzumaki." Kakashi introduced himself, and sat beside Naruto, "you don't need to call me that name.. I'm not used to it.." Naruto said.

"Wasn't that they call you?" Kakashi asked, "I know.. I'm just not used to it even they keep calling me to that name.. it's better when they just call me by my name.. it's just it's giving me an uneasy feelings" Naruto said and sighed.

"That feels illegal for calling that to an Heir" kakashi said and smile under his mask, "I know but it's perfectly fine for me if you ask.." naruto answered.

"Okay then, if that makes you comfortable, Naruto" Kakashi said, naruto smiled softly, "ma.. I need to go.. I'll see you tomorrow, I'm sure we have a mission" kakashi said walking away, he stop at his tracks and gazed at Naruto.

"And also.. you have to go home earlier, don't make your sister worry about you, well do you even want to?" Kakashi asked, Naruto shook his head taking it as a no.

Kakashi smiled under his mask "that's good to know then, I will get going" he said and he wave at Naruto saying goodbye to him, Naruto watch the sunset goes down completely and the moon is slowly showing up in the sky, he didn't even think about eating, well he wasn't starve after all..

.. ... .. ..

Naruto went on the forest to train, he was a bit exhausted, he felt hungry but he didn't mind it, he sighed and look at the's midnight, he frantically forgot about going home, he panicked under his breath.

He went to the apartment where his sister and him used to live before,he hesitated to knock, her sister is probably sleeping now.

A few minutes He knock at the door, he waited for the door to open and a few seconds he heard the door creak, meeting his sister glaring at him,"where were you?! I was truly worried about you idiot!!" Her sister yelled at him.

"The people is sleeping please low down your voice a litt-" Naruto was cut off by his sister, "no! I am asking you Naruto!" Narumi yelled at him.

Naruto scratched his head, "I went training, I didn't realize it's already been midnight, I'm sorry" he confessed, "you know what, you will sleep outside tonight!" Her sister yelled and slammed the door at his face, 'okay she don't have any shame..' Naruto thought and walk away from the apartment.

Naruto went to forest, he lays down at the hand of the tree, he stared at the stars shining between the moon, he spent his time staring at it, until he fell asleep.

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