Chapter 25

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" you like me?" Naruto asked curiously, Sasuke's smirk faded away as his expression turned into shock expression, he was taken back by Naruto's question at all..

Sasuke's POV:
Naruto stared at me awaiting my answer, I felt my heart beating rapidly, my heart is saying to me that I should outburst my feelings for him but my mind says otherwise..

I opened my mouth to speak but my mouth is shaking and my body feels chills, I can't keep my composure properly.

"Sasuke?" Naruto tapped my shoulder, I snapped out and met Naruto's Ocean eyes once again.

I clenched my fist, and look away, somehow, I use to think that my mind is always the right answer, so..I thought this is not the perfect time to outburst my feelings for him.

I slapped his hands away from my shoulder as I pushed him away, "No.. you're not making any sense.. N..Naruto.." i stated.

Naruto startled, the way I pushed him, is the way I am pushing my feelings for him to not confess right now..

"Oh? I? because Ino said something at me in like..accident way.. about how you feel about me, that's when I got curious.." he presumed.

Flashback Era:

"Ino?" Naruto pop out of nowhere, Ino stopped dancing around as she turned around as if nothing happened.

"O-oh Naruto! Hi!" Ino greeted nervously, Naruto stared at her curiously and confused.

"Why are you dancing? Was a romantic event or dance event is coming,were you practicing for it?" Naruto grinned playfully, Ino shook her head.

"No,no,no!, you're talking nonsense right now, it's just something interesting crossed in my mind, that Naruto and Sasuke will end up together one day!" Ino thrilled, she paused remembering the person was she talking to.

She turned her gaze at Naruto who is confused and also surprise, "haha...peace..i shouldn't have talk too much.." ino mumbled.

End of Flash back era.

My eyes widen in shock.. 'ino?' The only thing that crossed in my mind..

I took a breathe as I fix my composure.. I scratched my head as I found a words to say.

"Ofcourse no.." I stated in my usual voice so I wouldn't get caught lying.. Naruto tilted his head and put his hands on his chin.

I have to make an lie and excuses more than that.. "why would I like someone like you?..'s disgusting.." i uttered.

"I am sincere in my words...I'm not into you, why would I?.... I will never like someone like's not appropriate for me... and its.. disgusting.." I stated, my heart aches each time I'm lying about my feelings to him..

I look up to him and seen an empty expression.. 'did he believe me?'...

"Ah..I see, you could've just said it don't have to say rude words.." He uttered quietly.

"See you tomorrow.." he said flatly and started to walk away, "wait Naruto-" I tried to grabbed his hands but he put his hands on his pocket while walking away.

.. ... .. .... ..

I started to rethink what i said to him earlier.. it was already midnight but my words to him keeps bothering me too much..

I heard a footsteps coming in my room as i look up and saw my brother, Itachi, leaning in the door.

"Something's bothering you?" Itachi asked, I shook my head in disagreement, absolutely lying.

"No, to be honest, when you came home I seen that something is really bothering you" Itachi grinned. "So what's wrong?" He added.

"Fine.." I uttered quietly as Itachi closed the door and sat beside me in the bed. "I'm listening." He stated.

"This is just about earlier that happened.. Its about Naruto.." I presumed, "oh the boy of love of your lifeee?" Itachi teased.

"Okay it's not the time for that thing. Let's be serious." I bragged. "Well..he asked me if I like him—" i was cut off..

"Did you say yes!?" Itachi cheered. "No." I said annoyed, Itachi's cheerful expression disappeared.

"Let me talk. Don't cut me off. Just listen. And don't even think bothering me while I was talking." I blurted.

Itachi who nodded in agreement and chuckled on his little brother's command.

"I said no..and I admit that I am not watching my mouth.. and kinda blurted an hurtful words to him.." I confessed.

My brother look at me with blank expression as he tilted his head.

(Itachi was like: bitch, why did you do that!?, that's why he cant be attached or attracted to you, you stupid emo duckass raven

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(Itachi was like: bitch, why did you do that!?, that's why he cant be attached or attracted to you, you stupid emo duckass raven.. that's why our momma and dada dead)

He stared at me for a moment then snapped out.. he face palmed as he sighed in disbelief.

"You could've the perfect time to confess at him.. yet you ruined it.." Itachi groaned, "I know but.. my heart is agreeing that time but my mind says otherwise" I stated.

"Look, your mind says otherwise because you're scared of rejection, but your heart is taking you to the right path. It was a sign of how it was surely to have a courage and its a sign that you should do whatever your heart tells" Itachi stated while patting Sasuke's chest where was his heart placed inside.

.. .... ... ... ..

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