Chapter 8

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The next day..

Nobody's POV:
They walked in the gate, Naruto happily cheered, "wait, is this boy sane?, will I really be safe from him?" Tazuna asked, Sakura look at him with annoyed face.

'I swear, this journey will no longer go because if he insult Naruto one more time.. I'm going to kill this guy' sakura yelled in her mind, raising a fist.

Kakashi chuckled, "I'm a jonin, you have nothing to worry about Mr.Tazuna" Kakashi uttered.

Naruto just ignored him anyways, he didn't let his word bother him, and they continued there journey, little did they dont know someone is watching them, an enemies, and little did the enemies did not know Naruto knew from the start.

"Say Mr.Tazuna"  sakura spoke, "what is it?" Tazuna asked, "your country is the Land of Waves, right?" Sakura uttered, double checking it.

"Yeah, What about it?" Tazuna asked, "Kakashi-sensei there are ninjas in that country too aren't there?" Sakura asked, kakashi gaze at her,"No, there are no ninjas in the land of waves but in a other countries there are hidden villages each on with there different customs and cultures..where ninja resign" Kakashi answered politely.

"To the people of this continent the existence of Shinobi villages meant strength, military strength, other words that's how they protect themselves and maintain the balance of power with neighbor in countries, the ninja villages are not controlled by any government they're independent and have equal stats.. now the small lands, like the Land of Waves has natural protection from the sea so there's no need predict village... the five each of lands that has shinobis villages, are the lands of fire, water, lighting, wind and earth.. they each occupied vast territories together, they are known as the five great shinobis nations..
the land of fire the village hidden of the leaf,...
the land of water the hidden of the mist,..
the land of lighting the village hidden of the clouds,..
the land of wind the village hidden of the sand..
and the land of earth the village of hidden of the stone, only the leaders of these hidden villages, are permitted in the name 'kage' which means Shadow,...Hokage, Mizukage, Raikage, Kazekage, Tsuchikage, these are the shadows the five shadows that rain over thousands of ninja" kakashi explained.

Sakur proudly gasped, "the Hokage is really that important!" She sarcastically said, 'is that thing is that big deal? I'm not buying it!' Her inner thought said.

"Anyways there are no battle in the C-rank mission, you can relax" kakashi said patting sakura's head, "I'm not going to let myself run into that!" Sakura proudly said, Kakashi chuckled at her female genin.

Naruto look at the bush suspicious, he is looking around for a while, and also he already knew that there is some enemies lurking from the start..Tazuna sweat dropped and look at the bush that moves a second ago, Sasuke turned his head to look at the bush and narrowed his eyes on the bush focusing at it.

"Let's get going.." kakashi said, as they all continued there journey except Naruto who was still looking at the bush, Sasuke  turned back to look at him, he went back and approached him.

Sasuke tap Naruto's shoulder, Naruto quickly took off his gaze at the bush and look at Sasuke, he tilted his head, "what is it?"he asked.

"You've been staring at the bush for long.. let's get going.." Sasuke spoke, Naruto nodded his head and followed Kakashi and others behind.

Everyone is having their conversations, while Sasuke is minding his own business staring at Naruto.

Until an enemies suddenly attacked, the enemy have a claws and grapping hook, as if they using it as the weapon, they wrapped kakashi, trapping him, "you are the first" the enemy spoke and slashed kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura desperately yelled, "kakashi-sensei!" Naruto yelled, The enemy teleported behind Naruto, "you're the second" they spoke harshly, naruto was distracted so he didn't got to do anything.

Sasuke quickly do an sudden move, he jump and grabbed an shuriken and Kunai, pinning the hook in the tree that is apparently going to Naruto,

"It won't remove!" They yelped, Sasuke landed on their armored arms and kicked them through face, making the hook broke.

They quickly run way to Tazuna as Sakura quickly ran up to him and shielded him, "Mr.Tazuna move!!" She demanded, Tazuna only froze on his spot.

Sasuke quickly ran up to them shielding them both, until Kakashi appeared and block them through attacking to his genins.

"You did good, Sasuke" kakashi confessed, and then he look over to them making sure if they aren't wounded or something.

Kakashi turn around to Naruto, "are you okay?" Kakashi asked, he is making sure is the heir was attacked or something, "yeah, are you okay? Scaredy cat?" Sasuke teased, he thought about teasing him, Naruto sighed, "yes.. I'm okay.." Naruto said, he was a bit embarrassed for not doing anything through that.

Kakashi noticed the wound in Naruto's hand, "Naruto.. the wound on your hand is poisoned, those ninjas claws are poisonous, we need to get rid of them immediately"kakashi said.

"Don't worry I'll handle it" Naruto said and grabbed an Kunai on his pocket then stabbed the wound on his hand.

They were shocked, Sasuke quickly ran up to him, and grabbed his hand, "what are you doing?!" Sasuke asked nervous, "oh..I'm getting rid of it?.." Naruto answered.

"'re getting me.. worried.." Sasuke said lowering his voice at the end of the sentence, Sasuke grabbed an bandaid and wrapped it on Naruto's hand, "thank you." Naruto thanked and smiled, Sasuke smiled back, the other didn't seen it because Sasuke and Naruto's position was backwards.

"Okay done with lover conversations yet?" Kakashi asked, Sasuke's cheeks flushed, Naruto sighed, "we are not in that kind of relationship Bakashi" Naruto informed,

Sasuke's heart clenched after what Naruto said, "B-bakashi?!.." kakashi shouted, he was desperately embarrassed at the nickname the heir gave him, Sakura and Tazuna burst out laughing, kakashi's face turned into red because of embarrassment.

.. ... .. ... ..

Okay next chapter is they arrived at Land of waves something like that and Tazuna will explain what type of an person gato are.. in the dinner.

And also.. Haku and Zabuza is um... find out in the next chap ig?..

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