Chapter 17

454 17 5

My childs-----> PePPaPiG17352 L1zzyC4t
And @everyone ;p
Sorry I updated late cuz I was preparing for our final examination then it's done..

Nobody's POV:
"Ugh, this day is so exhausting!" Narumi complained coming back from a training, she opened the door of the house.

Once she stepped in, she knew something's was off.. somebody's here.. she narrowed her eyes, and she saw the room of his brother is opened.

'Is Naruto here?.. no.. this is not his chakra.. it's unknown..' she thought before approaching the room of his brother.

She peek through the door, curious whoever is inside, .. then she saw a long curled brown haired girl?, laying down on Naruto's bed.

"Who are you! What are you doing here?!" Narumi yelled, making Chiyo flinched and get up on the bed, Chiyo raised her eyebrows, "and who are you?" Chiyo asked with attidude.

.. .. .... ... .

"Oh.. Narumi, Naruto's Brother huh?.." Chiyo murmured, "he never told me he have a sister.." Chiyo added, "I'm Chiyo, The Princess of Land of This, Naruto brought me here.." Chiyo informed.

Narumi stared at Chiyo dumbfounded, 'a.. princess..' she thought dumbfounded, "damn you Naruto!! You left a fricking princess here!!??" Narumi shouted on the top of her lungs.

Chiyo who covered her ears, irritated.. "ugh! You have such a big mouth, like reduce it!" Chiyo complained, "oh you shut it!" Narumi complained back.

"Whatever, get me a food I'm hungry.." Chiyo demanded, "wha- I'm not servant!" Narumi blurted, "be a servant then.. it's not my problem and also I'm a princess, I don't do such chores things" Chiyo presumed.

"Ugh! Fine.. but that doesn't mean I'm your little servant here!" Narumi stormed out on the room, stomping on the ground each step, heading in the kitchen.

Naruto's POV:
I blink multiple, not sure if it's really my sister's voice, if it's that yell is hers, she must be that really loud then.

"Jeez.. I hope they'll get along with each other.." I mumbled, scratching my head, "I should apologize to Sasuke and Ino tommorow.." I murmured.

I turned around and bumped into someone, "ah!..sorry.." I apologized quickly and look up to seen an older guy.

He was a fairly tall man of fair complexion. He had black eyes, under which were long, pronounced tear-troughs. He had jet-black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail and his face was framed with centre-parted bangs that extended to his chin; the ponytail and bangs is quite long..

'He's attractive.. but his looks is very similar to Sasuke?.. I can tell his an uchiha.. just by the symbol of the back of his shirt..'

"Ah..sorry about that.. I wasn't looking at my way.." he apologized, "I'm Itachi.." He informed.

"Ah.. Itachi-nii.. I'm certainly apologizing for what just happened.. but I'm just curious of you looks.." I confessed, I seen him frown after I said that, "is there any dirt or crumbs on my face?" He asked.

" no! It's just your looks are similar at Sasuke.. is there by any chance that you're his brother?.." I asked curiously, "oh you know Sasuke?" He asked.

I nodded my head, and realized something.. .. "oh I'm sorry.. I forgot to introduce myself.. I'm Uzumaki Naruto.. and Sasuke is my teammate.." I informed.

"Well yes I'm his brother.. but your knowledge is wise.. you're very good at studying at any features.." He complimented, I blushed a little at his comment though.

"Ah.. not really.." I nervously uttered, "I can tell you are really Kushina's and Minato's son after all.. Ashina is excellent for picking you to be the heir.." he replied.

"Oh.. you knew about that?.." I asked, "well yeah, I'm an anbu.. and I'm also the one who dragged your sister back then when she's chasing you" he laughed.

I coughed at the sudden information, "oh are you okay?.." he asked patting my back, "yeah I'm.. alright Itachi-nii.." I answered.

"Alright..then I should get going .. I have to cook for dinner.. I'll see you Naru" Itachi informed and left.

Itachi's POV:
"Ah.. I think I knew your lover more than you.." I playfully whined, Sasuke gazed at me and raised an eyebrow, "what? Who's my lover?" He questioned.

"Ah.. I bumped with him today.." I informed, "oh....?" he awkwardly uttered, I nodded my head slightly, "yes it's Naruto" I spoke.

"Tsk.. I don't want hearing his name for now.." he hissed, I raised my eyebrow completely confused, "why?, did something happened between you two?" I asked.

"No.. it's just there is this girl named Chiyo.." he murmured, "ahh I told you to don't let insecurities cover your's miserable.." Obito spoke from behind.

He tossed his ninja boots on the floor, "hey! I just cleaned up a few minutes ago! Clean it up" I yelled playfully, "jeez.. not Itachi being like a Mom material.." He uttered.

"Anyways, what's going on?" Obito asked directly and joined us sitting on the couch, "you know.. it's about Naruto.." I informed.

"Ahh?.. that kid? I just saw him today.." Obito confessed, "what about him?" Obito asked, "ahh.. Teenagers jealousy" I confessed.

"I'm not jealous!" Sasuke blurted, "oh yeah?.. why are so inconvinced about it?" I asked, "you know.. being jealous and insecure doesn't help anything to you.. it only causes a wrong thoughts.." Obito spoke.

"You know what I'm worried about is.. you unlocking the Sharingan, because of jealousy instead knowing what truly sadness is" Obito shook his head.

I sweatdropped at his words, now that made me wonder.. how far could be dangerous if that happens..

I gazed at Sasuke who's looking at the ground, his bangs are slightly covering his face.

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