Chapter 33

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Naruto's POV:
I watched the fireworks in the night sky, they were glowing and glimmering, my lips curled into a thin smile.

As a person crossed in my mind..


'Ah, right, the night have always been reminding me about Sasuke.. really' I grinned.

(Time skip)
"Oi!, stop cussing at the servant, Karen." Nagato grunted, "it's just some sense of humor, Nagato, and mind your own business." Karen grumbled.

"Anyways, what's with that look, Naruto?" Karen asked, as she raised her eyebrows with curiosity, "Now I just thought about it.. Tanuki and Kiba are look alike, don't ya think?" Naruto uttered.

 Tanuki and Kiba are look alike, don't ya think?" Naruto uttered

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(Remember this guy?, no?)

"Err.. the snake dog smelly boy?" Karen spoke, "pft, 'snake dog smelly boy'?" Naruto sneered, "ugh, I mean just look at Him!, his pupils are shaped like snake's!, and he's probably smell like a dog because you already know!" Karin complained.

(At Konohagakure)

"Acho!.. man, someone talking about me or what?" Kiba complained playfully, "atleast someone is thinking about you" Shino stated, "anyways.. should we check on Sasuke?" Kiba spoke.

"Check him up for what?" Hinata asked curiously, "you don't know?, he's at mental hospital.." Kiba spoke, "w-what?" Hinata spoke in disbelief.

"..Okay, here's the thing, Narumi broke up with Him, due Sasuke only being with Her because she looks like Naruto, and after that, he lost it.. So Itachi sent him to mental hospital for therapy.." Kiba explained, "whatever.. he needs therapy anyway.." Hinata uttered.

"he admitted he likes Naruto, right?, but was it a form of love?.." Shino spoke curiously, "who could go that far for love anyway?" Kiba spoke in confusion.. "well, if you ask me, I also did the same once.." Hinata shared.

silence.. until Kiba broke it, "WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?!!!, am I hearing this right?!!! An shy, sweet and innocent girl like you?!!!!" Kiba yelled, "hey, keep it down, would you?" Shino grumbled, "no— what?, expalin, Hinataaa!" Kiba whined playfully.

"Well.. not sort of I did what exactly Sasuke did, it's not like that.. and it's a personal matter, so.. No." Hinata denied as Kiba whined.

.. .... ..... ... ..

The Therapist headed out in the room, as he approached the gentleman, Itachi, "looks like your younger brother.. needs the person he keep talking about.. maybe they could help?.. because your younger brother seems to crave and hunger for affection for the person he kept talking about." The Therapist shared.

"Who exactly?" Itachi asked, "named 'Naruto'" The therapist spoke, as Itachi went quiet and simply nodded his head in disbelief.

(At uzushiogakure)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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