Chapter 29

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I'm fr the definition of "well-focused" at my studying. (I even forgot about my fan fiction😭)

"Nobody" Kurama talking/Beast talking.
"Nobody" Character thinking
*Action* Character doing some action.
"Nobody" Character talking.
"NOBODY" Charater yelling/screaming/high-pitched voice.

Nobody's POV:
"Narutooooo" Ino yelled, "huh?" Naruto murmured, as he turned around as he sees Ino running up to him.

"Okayy, *huff* Heyy!!" Ino huffed before fixing her composure, "What's up?.... What's with the sudden.. approaching?.." Naruto uttered, slightly curious.

"Anywaysss uhm.. what did I came here again?..." Ino mumbled, rethinking what she came to him for.. as the realization hit her.

"OHHH, right, so like I wanted to reassure you about your feelings towards a people" Ino stated, "reassure me about my feelings to a people?" Naruto repeated as Ino nodded.

"Okay, ANYWAYS, take a sit over.. here!" Ino pointed out as she took Naruto's elbow leading him in the wooden bench near them.

They both sat down in the bench, as Ino grabbed her journal note book as she cleared her throat before speaking.

"So like let's straight up on the point, so what do you feel around Sasuke?" Ino asked, as Naruto thought about it for a minutes before answering.

"Uhm.. I feel safe and.. comfortable around him?" Naruto answered, "perfectt~" Ino squeaked, while writing the info.

"Why are you writing it dow—" Naruto didn't got the chance to finish his sentence nor something like that, "shh!!, just a little memory for me to remember.." Ino smiled sarcastically as she continued writing, however, Naruto was still curious about it but shrugged it off.

"Hmm.. what is the most do you like about Sasuke?" Ino asked another question, "the most I like about him is...." Naruto however didn't mind the details of what he likes the most about him.

The realization hit him like a lightning bolt, as Naruto opened his mouth to speak.
"well.. the most I like about him is the way he treats me like somebody when I feel like I'm a nobody.." Naruto uttered.

Ino immediately wrote it down, "okay, we're going a little emotional right now.. I should brighten up the conversation.." Ino uttered still writing down the information.

"Okay, 2 more questions!, and subract 1 since I'm going to ask you now, soo... are you attracted to mens?" Ino asked tapping her ballpen ready to write the incoming information.

".. well I am attracted to mens, you can say I'm both attracted to men and women. I'm bisexual.." Naruto answered as Ino jaw dropped as her eyes sparkles in excitement as she immediately wrote it down.

Naruto who is curious why is it important for her to even write it down so he peek closely but Ino closed it immediately before he can even see a single thing.

"Dont.Look.I.Dare.You." Ino warned as Naruto slightly leaned back in the bench, "anyways, the final question isss, what would you do if there is a miracle happen, that Sasuke happens to like you?" Ino asked, as she raised her eyebrows, awaiting for Naruto's answer.


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