Chapter 13

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Nobody's POV:
Naruto is on his way to find Ino and Sasuke to hang out, but suddenly Kakashi appears infront of him, making Naruto startled a bit, "yo!" Kakashi greeted.

"Oh hi Bakashi-sensei.." Naruto teased, kakashi groaned playfully, "it's early in the morning and you're teasing me again?...anyways I'm just here to inform you..we don't have any mission this weekend or month because the Chunin exam is coming soon, so be prepared and train well.." Kakashi informed.

"I also wanted you to tell this to the others and to your teammates, anyways if you don't know Chunin exam is.. The Chunin Exam is a test that young ninjas take to advance from the rank of Genin to Chunin.." kakashi explained.

"I see.. then okay.." Naruto quietly said, "oh and also.. The competition is also coming soon.. and Lady Tsunade is calling for you.." kakashi informed and left, Naruto sighed, 'guess I can't come in time there..' Naruto thought and turned his way to hokage tower..

.. ..... ... ..

"You called for me?" Naruto asked, tsunade raises her eyebrow, "no.....ofcourse you idiot!!!" She yelled, feeling very stressed, "calm down Lady Tsunade.." Shizune said patting her back.

Tsunade sighed as she calmed down, "anyways.. I called you here because I need you to guard the Iwagakure for a week.. " Tsunade demanded, "I see.. was that it?" Naruto asked, "I need you to tell me about what you observe there..and you should start your journey right now.." Tsunade stated.

"Oh and also..I know your a genin but I know that your skills is just another level compared to a genin..and this is S-rank mission.. now go!"Tsunade commanded , Naruto narrowed his eyes and he knew something is going on so he had to hurry.

He packed the things he needed and then he used his teleportation jutsu to go outside the village, he knew that Izumo and Kotetsu will ask him where he is going or they might inform about this to the others..

Ino's POV:
I arrived at the park and seen Sasuke over there, it's still 9:10 am, so we still have 20 minutes left then I'm sure Naruto will be here, "hey sasuke!" I called out and wave at him.

"Hn." He answered boringly, I stared at him blankly, "if you won't stop that sentence I will kill you.." I warned, "hn." He uttered, my eye twitched in annoyance and I raised a fist, "if you won't stop that! I'll tell Naruto that you like him!" I blurted.

".....okay fine.. what?" He asked, "the move?" I asked curiously, "....I'm prepared.. it's embarrassing.." he muttered, "what? Embarrassing? It's not embarrassing if you are willing to attract him idiot!!" I yelled at his face.

"Okay okay calm down.. maybe.. I'll help myself cool down when I'm doing my move.." he stated, "gosh you're pain in the ass.." I said, "whatcha talking about?" Kakashi asked, "aaaah! Jeez! You are coming out from nowhere kakashi-sensei! It's not cool!" I complained

"Alright.. chill.. what are you even talking about?" He asked, "it's just Sasuke making a-" I was cut off because Sasuke covered my mouth quickly, i bit his hand and he quickly let go, "what the hell?!are you an dog or something?!"sasuke whined.

"Anyways Sasuke is going to make a move on Naruto this day!!" I said happily, "oh.. i already know it's coming.. but I don't think he'll be here.." he said awkwardly, me and Sasuke raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?.." Sasuke asked.

"Lady Tsunade called him and it seems Lady Tsunade is concerned about something.. so I'm guessing she sent him into an mission? Maybe? I'm not sure.." Kakashi confessed, "what?!" I yelled.

Naruto's POV:
The Hidden village of the Rock known as the Iwagakure, I already know the five nations since.. I'm 8?.. Jiji (Ashina) already taught me about it..

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