Chapter 9

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(Remade for chapter 9)

They arrived in the Land of Waves, Feeling exhausted, they are in their way to go at Tazuna's house, until Naruto feels an familiar chakra.

"...uh.. you guys just go.. i need to pee.." Naruto reasoned, "you can pee when we arrived at the house." Tazuna said, "uh.. I can't hold it back anymore.." Naruto said and pretended to run to a tree.

"Oh jeez.." Sakura murmured, "should we wait him?" Tazuna asked, "ofcourse, does he know where is your house?" Sasuke asked, Tazuna sweat dropped at his dumbass self, "right.." he presumed, he admit it he was embarrassed..

.. ... .. ....

Naruto followed the chakra that he is feeling, he continued to ran over the tree, then he saw a figure and the chakra was he feeling is coming through him.

He have a huge sword which is known as Kubikiribōchō, he has a pale skin, dark eyes, he is wearing a ninja headband of mist.

"Zabuza.." Naruto murmured, he landed on the hand of the tree, Zabuza knew someone is behind him, he throw his sword at the figure, without turning around to look at him, Naruto tilted his head just to dodge it.

An piece of hair got cutted off of him, Zabuza turned around and he saw a familiar face, he was surprised.. he froze on his spot and hesitated to move then he didn't utter a word nor he didn't let Naruto utter a word just to jump on him and tugged him into a hug.

"Ah.. Zabuza.." Naruto whispered, "Damn you kid, I almost hurt you.." Zabuza murmured, and broke the hug, Naruto chuckled, "don't worry I will never let my guard down.." he said.

"Anyways.. why are you here?" Zabuza asked, "well just a mission.." Naruto answered, "Mr.Ashina finally allowed you?" Zabuza asked tilting his head, "yeah it's was unexpected.." Naruto said scratching his head.

"Well that's good isn't it?.. that's what you've always been wanted back then, right?"Zabuza asked, Naruto nodded his head, "anyways.. how's haku?" He asked, "he's fine, he'll come at my location soon because our chakra's are aligned, meaning he knows where I am or he can feel my chakra" he explain.

Naruto nodded his head, "I see.. I wanted to ask if we are we allied or enemies, I heard that you are after us, especially at Tazuna?" Naruto asked.

Zabuza sighed, "ofcourse we are allied.. Haku and I changed our minds, we're going after Gato..  so we're setting him up, and kill Gato when the plan goes well.. are you in?" He questioned, and look at Naruto straight in the eyes, Naruto grinned, Zabuza smirked under his bandage mask, knowing what Naruto meant is 'yes'

Nobody's POV:
they arrived at Tazuna's house, Tazuna's daughter greeted them, "father welcome home!" she greeted happily, when she saw the demon of the mist, suddenly she was scared.

Haku noticed this, and smiled, "don't worry, we're not here to cause trouble." he said it calmly, Tsunami started to calm, and let them in, "where's Inari?" Tazuna asked, "he's at his room" Tsunami responded, Tazuna nodded and went to his grandson's room.

"I'll cook for dinner, sorry if I'll keep you waiting" she said politely, "you don't need to apologize... ah..... miss.." kakashi said awkwardly, Tsunami chuckled,"it's Tsunami, sir" she smiled, "oh Tsunami.. you don't need to apologize Ms.Tsunami." He repeated.

Tsunami smiled and went to the kitchen to cook, the rest goes at the living room, Naruto grinned at Kakashi, "ehh..that was embarrassing and awkward Kakashi-sensei" he uttered.

Kakashi took his eyes off in his porn book, and turned to Naruto, "now let's just move in that.. stop embarrassing your attractive sensei" Kakashi proudly said.

"Yeah sure.." Naruto mumbled, an villagers barges in Tazuna's house, they all look at them, Tazuna and Inari went out on the room, "what's happening?" Tazuna asked.

"It's a good news!! Gato and his mens is dead!" The villagers cheered happily, Tazuna was surprised, "since?" Zabuza asked, "just now, they said an Hidden leaf anbus killed them" They assured.

"Well, looks like we don't need to do the plan suddenly at all.." Haku mumbled, "I guess so...that plan's useless" Zabuza said, Naruto sighed, "well it's great that what is supposed to be finish is already finished, right?" Naruto said.

The others just look at them confused, "who's gato?" Sasuke asked, "'s nothing." Zabuza replied, "huh?.. what do you mean nothing?, the villagers suddenly cheered when he's gone? What's going on?" Kakashi asked.

"I'll tell you in dinner.." Tazuna said, they turned their heads into Tazuna, and Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi nodded their heads.

.. .... ... ...

"Dinner's ready!" Tsunami called out, they stood up from their seats, and head out in the kitchen, Naruto sat in the left, Sasuke was about to sit beside him but Haku already preceded to sat beside him.

He glared at her, and just sit beside Sakura, little Sasuke don't know, Haku was not a 'her', Sakura look over at Haku and Naruto then at Sasuke, she grinned secretly, "what a triangle love.." sakura mumbled.

Tsunami prepared the food, "itadakimasu.." they said in unison,they started to dig in, "hey Naruto-kun" Haku called out, Naruto gaze at him, Sasuke paused eating and focused on them, so did Sakura?..

"Say ahh.." Haku offered his dish, Naruto look at him blankly,.. 'isn't it weird to use somebody's spoon coming from their mouth?' Naruto thought, he opened his mouth, "ahh.." he awkwardly said, Zabuza almost choked on his food, kakashi quickly patted his back, not wanting him to end up lifeless.

"Here the airplane comes.." Haku chuckled, and feed Naruto, "you're acting strange, Haku.." Naruto whispered.. "I know I am.." Haku whispered back.

Sasuke grab another spoon, "oh sakura let me feed you.." he forced to smile, Sakura choked on her water, and gave Sasuke a look, 'are-you-serious-right-now?' Sasuke just glared at her forcing her to do it.

'Oh gosh...what a young jealousy, I'll take a note on this' kakashi grinned under his mask, Sakura opened her mouth and Sasuke feed her, 'tsk..' Sasuke hissed, he smirked and turn to Naruto to see if hes piss.

On the result Haku and Naruto are having an conversation, which means they didn't pay attention to them, Naruto chuckled at Haku, Haku covered his mouth to stop from laughing, Sasuke watch them and clenched his fist.

He slammed his fist on the table, making everyone startle and breaking Naruto and Haku in their conversation, Sasuke pushed his chair and went out slamming the door.

"I-.. what's going on?" Naruto asked clueless, "you should go after him Naruto" sakura stated, "uh ok, sure.." he mumbled.

.. .... .. .. ..

Naruto and Sasuke arrived together, The others stared at them, Naruto asked Tazuna where was the guest room, Tazuna pointed it out, naruto directly went there.

Sasuke sat in the couch, "so how did it go?" Sakura asked, "tsk.. nothing." He hissed, "what do you mean nothing?!" Sakura yelled, Sasuke stand up and left.

Sakura watched him leave, 'now what the hell is going between this two?' She asked herself..

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