Chapter 32

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Night time...
(At Uchiha's compound)

Nobody's POV:
"Thank you for having me here." Narumi smiled as she sat down in the couch, "Where's Sasuke?" Narumi asked.

"He's in his room." Obito spoke as Narumi got up and decided to go to him.

Narumi slightly hesitated to knock, she took a breath as she knock on the door gently, "Sasuke? Are you awake yet?" Narumi asked, as she heard a frustrated sigh, "come in" Sasuke spoke as Narumi opened the door.

There was a long pause and silence, Narumi sighed as she decided to break the silence.

"not even gonna greet me? Or no hugs like you do sometimes?" Narumi asked as she can swear, Sasuke looks annoyed by her presence.

"Is that what you expected me to do?" Sasuke uttered as he groaned quietly, "then, good evening, Narumi." Sasuke spoke in sore voice.

"That's it?.." Narumi asked, slightly disappointed, "well?, what do you expect me to do?" Sasuke asked, as he narrowed his eyes, giving her a cold treatment.

"Come on.. you're manipulating me, you're giving me that love-bomb affection" Narumi spoke, Sasuke sighed, it's clearly he's pissed.

"You should be thankful I'm giving you affection somehow." Sasuke spoke in annoyed tone, "it's manipulation!, not love!" Narumi insisted.

.. ... ...

It was raining outside, thunder rumbling through sky, Itachi and Obito stayed quiet, the couple is arguing, again.

"You said you're going to fix me, Narumi, but you're just messing me up further" Sasuke hissed as he narrowed his eyes.

"Because, your love for me isn't love!, rather it is manipulation!" Narumi scolded, "how times should I speak that I do love you?!" Sasuke asked, trying to contain himself from snapping.

"If you ever does love me, then that love doesn't belong to me, I know that you love me because I resemble my brother, you cannot get over him that you almost went insane, and that you've been through in mental illness, sent in Mental hospital, so just please.. try to love me.. while I'll try to fix you." Narumi begged. Her voice cracked.

"You dared to talk about that past? Well, this relationship only contains to fix me, not to love you, I don't see any reason for you to love me or be loved be me" Sasuke spoke, his voice cold and emotionless.

"Please...." Narumi pleaded, as Sasuke rolled his eyes, "whatever, I'll try." Sasuke spoke as he got up then left at his room, leaving narumi alone.

Sasuke went downstairs as he can see the disappointment and sadness at his big brother and obito.

"You're too harsh, Sasuke. Would you please consider her as your lover once?" Itachi sighed as Sasuke rolled his eyes and simply left at the Uchiha compound.

... ... ..

Sasuke's POV:
I went in the spot where Naruto usually go, at the head of Hokages, at his father's head, where he usually sit down, and get a view at the village, sky, sun, sunset, sunrise and moon and stars.

I took a sit as I began to observed the moon..

'Ahhh.. my mental health is worsening more aren't it?.. come back, Naruto, I'm losing my mind'

.. ....... ... ..

"Guyssss, the day came!!!, it's new year!" Suigetsu yelled in joy, ".. that's going to be tonight, what do you mean?" Jogo spoke as Suigetsu's joy broke in silence.

"Shut up! You joykiller!" Suigetsu scolded at Jogo playfully, Jogo whistled as he gestures his eyes towards me.

"What?" I asked coldly, "damn, for how many years, he's still the same person." Suigetsu sighed, as something crossed his mind, as he smirked.

He leaned in to Jogo to whisper something, as I stared at them with sharp eyes.

"Deal?" Suigetsu asked, offering his pinky finger as Jogo took it. "Deal, but it looks like it woudnt be a good idea.." Jogo sighed.

"You're going to enjoy this new years this time, Sasuke, don't worry." Suigetsu grinned as he patted my shoulder as I rolled my eyes.

"What do you exactly mean?" I asked, as i look up at the two with sharp gaze, "don't worry, it's going to be our present to you." Suigetsu smirked as Jogo's lips curled into a thin smirk.

"It will sure remove all of your mental illness." Jogo stated as i hissed.

I was in the hokage's head, at Fourth hokage's head, watching the sunset like Naruto always do when he's here, I'm going to admit, I was watching him from afar while he was watching the sun goes down before..

A corner of my eyes saw Suigetsu and Jogo as they approached me, they seems like they fought to someone.

"Damn.. w..we failed." Suigetsu hissed as he sighed irritated, "what did the two of you exactly do?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes.

"Nothing!" Suigetsu insisted, "I'm not dumb, Suigetsu." I spoke flatly as he rolled his eyes, "well, it's practically stupid to say, so you don't have to worry." Jogo stated.

People were already making loud noisesoutside for the incoming new year, some kids firing fireworks, and some kids playing horn-shaped trumpet.

"Anyways, being here seems to be your comfort place?, especially at the Fourth Hokage's head" Jogo spoke, "yeah.. this place have already been my comfort place since I met Narut-
.. never mind." I hesitated.

It's time.. (12:00am) I saw people set their fireworks as the fireworks flew in the sky together, as my eyes follow them, "you mean Narut-?" Suigetsu got cut off as the fireworks exploded making him jump, "w..what the hell?" Suigetsu murmured.

The fireworks was shimmering in the night sky, while my eyes focused at them.

(At uzushiogakure)

Naruto's POV:
I watched the fireworks in the night sky, they were glowing and glimmering, my lips curled into a thin smile.

As a person crossed in my mind..

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