Chapter 3

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Next day...


Narumi's POV:
This is the day Lady Tsunade replaced Hiruzen as the Hokage, Lady Tsunade was the Fifth Hokage now, She is one of legendary sannin, Orochimaru-San and Jiraiya-San cried in tears of joys, cheering here down with crowd people.

The third hokage step up onto stage, as the crowd started to applause, he gazed down at the crowds, then at us."Now we shall begin the inauguration ceremony of the Fifth Hokage" Hiruzen said he is at the top of hokage tower, he look at Jiraiya and Orochimaru crying in tears of joys not believing Tsunade will be the Fifth Hokage.

"this inauguration shall be hosted by the third hokage" he added, and cleared his throat,

"I, Hiruzen Sarutobi, I am gratefully thankful for all of you for your attendance" He said and look at Homura, his teammate on his team, back when they're kids like us, "now lets have her step up onto stage" he said.

Lady Tsunade step onto the stage as everyone applause, "the woman who will take the place as the fifth hokage!" He paused and cleared his throat and said;"Tsunade Senju!" The applause got more noisy, me and my friends covered our ears not wanting us to be deaf.

A few more minutes the ceremony ended, me and my friends decided to hangout in the park, Sakura and Sasuke said they are not going with us, it was pleasure Sasuke is not coming, that dude has always been on my nerves.

In the park..

"Narumi-Chan!, why don't you describe your brother??" Hinata asked, I gaze at her before the others and they seems interested too, so I had no choice to do it.

I sighed, "Ummm, he has an blonde hair , blue eyes, three whisker birthmark on his both cheeks" I said, "oooohhh three whiskers birthmark?! He seems so cool!, what an youthful!" Lee said clapping his hand in excitement.

"Well I can tell you why he left.." I said and smiled softly, at the first I hesitated to tell them the reason, "wait you said last time,you forgot?" Shikamaru asked raising an eyebrow.

"Ermm, well I hesitated to" I said, as they look at me with silly expressions, I sweatdropped, and I cleared my throat.

"Well the reason is-" I was cut off by Kenji, "stop with the introduction!" Kenji complained, I glared at him playfully and he quickly zip his mouth.

"..he left because they took him to Uzushiogakure" i said with concerned feelings, "oh.... Girl..Why?" Ino asked tapping my shoulder, I sighed and said; "well he was chosen to be the heir"

"You said WHATTTT!" Kiba said highing his pitch at the last sentence, "that's so coolll!" Kenji joined kiba cheering,"very very youthful!" Lee said joining them, 'this three idiot I swear..' I thought and look away.

My friends take the time to talk about him, while I take the time to feel the fresh air, suddenly Shikamaru ruined it, I glared at him playfully, "what's his name?" He asked.

"Naruto Uzumaki" I answered, "Naruto uzu- AAAAHHHHH!!! I heard about him before!!" Kenji yelled dramatically, 'okay he almost break our eardrum' I hit his head, "idiot you are so loud!! Keep your mouth in control!" I yelled at him.

"Ouch!! Okay okay.. fine" he said while rubbing his head, "anyways what do you mean you've heard about him?" I asked, "well the villagers are just talking a lot about him recently this days! I guess I have a time to listen, so I got some information about him!" He said excitedly.

"Information? What kind of Information?" Shino asked, "Ermm.... What was that again?.." he said scratching his head, me and my friends face palmed.

"Come on!" Lee and Kiba whined, "oh I got it!!" He yelled excitedly redrawing our attention, "all I heard from the villagers was they are complementing how strong he is!, and how they are amaze him!" He said excitedly as his eyes sparkled.

"I wonder how strong he is!! He has been my idol for a while since I heard about him!!" Kenji squeaked like a fan girl, 'this boy...' "samee he's my idol!" Kiba said grinning, "woah! He's my idol too! I am his biggest fan!!" Lee joined, Kiba and kenji glared at him playfully, "no! I am his biggest fan!" Kenji complained, "nah uh, I am his biggest fan!" Kiba complained back.

We watch them argue, saying that they are his biggest fan, i sighed, I didn't even know my brother is that famous, hmph! I pouted, "feeling jealous?" Neji asked, I gazed at him, "what me? Jealous at my own brother?? No way!" I said sarcastically.

fine yes I was jealous, but It's not like that I hate him, I love him as my brother and he is always be my own brother! I proudly thought, as the jealousy goes away from my body.

Nobody's POV:

In Uzushiogakure..

Naruto can't help to stop himself from sneezing, he quickly turned behind and sneezed softly, "excuse me" Naruto said, he don't want to sneeze infront of lunch, nor sneeze at foods either, he wipe his nose, 'who could be talking about me? not cool man.. It's bad timing' he thought.

"Hmm.... Someone be talking about how they love Naruto.." Karin blabbered making Naruto choke on his food,nagato can't help to chuckle and so Ashina.

*cough* *cough* "Easy little guy.." Ashina patted Naruto's back, "thank you jiji" Naruto replied and smiled, Ashina didn't broke the promise that he will take care of Naruto, he really did take care of Naruto properly.

Time skip..

"Karin, where's Nagato?" Naruto asked, "i don't know, I've been here with you the whole time, i didn't take a glace of him since the lunch was over, so i don't have an idea where he was" Karin answered, "*sigh* did you guys fight again?" Naruto asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hmph fine! We did! Am I really that easy to read?!" Karin said fixing her glass, "what did you guys fight about again?" Naruto asked.

"he stole my favorite food again!, I swear I am close to kill that fucking guy!" Karin cursed and realized what she had said, and she quickly covered her mouth.

Naruto stared at her blankly, "Karin you know if Jiji heard you, he will shout at you again, can you resist cursing?" Naruto said in annoyance, he is annoyed because he doesn't want to happen that again, it's true Ashina didn't curse in front of them or neither they heard Ashina curse in any case they are around, and Ashina never taught them to curse.

"I know, i know! I can't help it sometimes!" Karin said and sweat dropped, "well get use to it" Naruto said and sighed, "I'll go out" Naruto said excusing himself.

Karin startled, "oi!! Where are you going!, wait for me!" Karin yelled behind him, trying to catch up to him.

The next chapter will be time skip into 2 years that they are 13 years old and  then it's the time Naruto will go back at konoha 👁️👄👁️... 😏

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