Chapter 10

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The next day..

Nobody's POV:
The birds are already chirping now, everyone is awake now except Naruto, they are already ready to leave, "Sasuke can you wake Naruto?" Kakashi asked, Sasuke hissed, and just went to Naruto.

"Oi wake up!" He screeched, he shake Naruto aggressively, he is getting annoyed for Naruto not waking up, so he pushed him out on the bed, making a 'thud' sound, "ouch.." Naruto mumbled.

He look up to see Sasuke, glaring at him?, "that's not nice way to wake someone..y'know?" Naruto stated, Sasuke rolled his eyes and left the room, 'what's his problem?' He thought.

Naruto held his head, it hurts though, he stood up and prepared himself, he went out in the room, and went outside he seen, Haku, Kakashi, Sakura, Zabuza and Sasuke already there.

Haku saw him and approached him, "good morning Naruto-kun!" He greeted, "good morning.." he greeted back, Sasuke look away from them to avoid an jealousy and anger, Kakashi suddenly noticed all this and sighed, "come on let's go, the boat is waiting for us.." kakashi called out.

"Wait are they coming with us?" Naruto questioned, Zabuza and Haku nodded their heads, "we prefer being an Leaf Ninja and live there so we can somehow spend some time" Haku stated.

Naruto smiled, "that's good to hear!" He uttered, Sasuke screeched silently and just went on the boat, "let's go" kakashi called out, they waved at Tazuna, Tsunami and Inari and to the villagers who was there.

Naruto tried to talk to Sasuke in the boat, but Sasuke completely ignored him and even said an mean sentence; "can you just shut up for once?!" Naruto flinched at his words and just goes away.

.. ... .. .... ..

They arrived at the Leaf Village, "yo welcome back!" Izumo greeted and he almost choked on his water when he saw the demon of mist, "w-whoa what are they doing here?!" Kotetsu yelled.

"Calm down, they will be apart of Hidden Leaf ninja now.." Naruto stated, Kotetsu grabbed Naruto and yanked him to get him closer to him, "how can you be so sure?!" He whispered, "don't worry, about it now.." Naruto said fixing himself.

Izumo and Kotetsu fainted playfully, The team 7 and Zabuza and Haku arrived at the hokage tower, Naruto knocked on the door, getting the same response, "come in!" Lady Tsunade called out.

They came in, "Master tsunade look!" Shizune tapped Tsunade's shoulder, Tsunade take a quick glance at them, and look down at her paper, then she once took a glance and her eyes finally saw Zabuza and Haku.

"Pleasure to see you Lady Tsunade.." Haku greeted, Tsunade blinked twice, "what are they doing in here?" She asked, "In that case.. they're here to become an Leaf ninja and you can say they're here to live too" Naruto stated.

"Should we trust'em?" Shizune asked, Naruto look at Tsunade with puppy eyes, 'that stupid brat..' tsunade cleared her throat, "fine! But i will not hesitate to end their lives if they got the village on trouble!" Tsunade warned.

"Very well then.. pleasure to take your responsibility.." Zabuza bowed, "you are all dismissed.. and also Shizune" Tsunade called out, Shizune quickly grab an two Ninja head band and key for apartment , and throw it to Zabuza and Haku, perfectly catched it. Tsunade tell where was the apartment.

They thanks Lady Tsunade and left in the hokage tower, "we'll see you tomorrow Naruto-kun.." Haku waved, "bye.." Naruto waved back, Sasuke stared at him, Naruto ignored his gaze and just made his way to leave.

"Ohohoho, that's so awkward.." sakura chuckled playfully, "looks like something's broken, anyways bye" Kakashi disappeared using an teleportation jutsu.

"Well if you needed help, I'll let you know I can't haha bye!" Sakura waved and ran away, leaving Sasuke there all alone.

Narumi's POV:
I was in bed, completely lazy, I heard the door creaked, I flinched and i quickly stood up on the bed, and grabbed an pan, ready to hit it on the thief or whatever, 'oh god I'm not ready to dieee! I'm too young.. please!' I cried out.

I lurked behind the wall in the living room, once I heard the footsteps is near me, I quickly get out on my hiding spot and attacked, it catches the pan, and I saw the figure, "naruto?!" I almost said it aloud, "are you trying to kill me Onee-Chan?, that's not nice." He stated.

I sweatdropped, "hehe it's just self-defense haha.." I laughed nervously, "self-defense to what?" He asked, "y-you know what never mind!" I push him out on the way and I stumbled making an loud 'thud' sound.

"Err.. you okay Onee-Chan?" He asked, "do I look like I'm okay?!I hurt my ankles a" I cried out, he suddenly carried me bridal style, (not a ship I swear to god they're siblings!) and place me gently on the bed.

I sat up and I watched him grabbed an ice, "what are you doing?" I asked, "umm you hurt your ankles right?" He asked, I nodded, "I'll take care of it.." he smiled.

"Where does it hurt?" He asked, I pointed out, and he put the ice on it, "ow ow, careful!!" I stated, hitting his head, "ow.." he whined, after a minutes it's done, I move my legs not feeling the pain anymore.

"Feeling better?" He asked, I nodded my head and smiled, i tugged him to the ground to hug him, "Oww!" He whined, I quickly let go of him, "s-sorry, are you okay?" I asked curiously.

He held his head, I started to get nervous, 'what if.. he'll got an amnesia?! AAAAH NO NO!' I yelled in my mind, "h-hey are you okay?!" I asked, "who are you?" He asked, "Ehhhhhhhh?!!!" I yelled, "I'm kidding Onee-Chan." He laughed.

I raise an fist, "I swear Naruto!" I yelled, "okay okay.. it just I hit my head hardly on the ground earlier and it happened again." He confessed, i redraw my fist, "huh?, what happened?" I asked concerned.

"Perhaps Sasuke is trying to wake me up, and I guess he push me on the bed?" He confessed, 'Sasuke?! That bastard did it?!' I yelled in my mind, "that bastard!!" I yelled.

He laughed, "you're a fast mood changer, Onee-Chan.." he stated, "no seriously! I told you don't be too close to that bastard!" I yelled.

"He's not that ba-" I cut him off, "just get away from him! I don't want you to get infected by his bad habits!!" I yelled, "okay got it, stop yelling now.." he stated.

"Okay good then!! but seriously I don't want to see you next to him or even talk, hanging around, beside him! Get an distance if he ever come closer to you.. he'll infect you in his bad attitude!!" I warned.

"okay you're overreacting, Onee-Chan" he nervously said, "no! I'm being serious Naruto! I don't want to see you ever again with that guy! Got it??! Or else you'll die.." I warned in serious tone, "err.. alright.." he chuckled nervously.. "good!" I stated.

Drama's starting I guess?? 🧐

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