Chapter 30

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"anyways, the final question isss, what would you do if there is a miracle happen, that Sasuke happens to like you?" Ino asked, as she raised her eyebrows, awaiting for Naruto's answer.

(Should I face rev?im feeling confident rn, might disappear later or sooner.)
Nobody's POV;
"Honestly, I-.." Naruto was cut off by sudden shout, "INOOOOOOOO I TOLD YOU TO MEET M-" Narumi paused as she sees her brother beside her.

Narumi reached out for Ino, grabbing her elbow, pulling her closer, "fuck!, I told you to meet me at the front gate of the academy school!! ."Narumi whispered.

Narumi and Ino kept gossiping quietly, as Naruto stared at them dumbfounded, "uh-.. anyways!!, I will be back soon!, so don't just shrug off my question!" Ino uttered.

"Anyways!! Let's gooooo!!" Narumi yelled dragging Ino with her.

"What just happened?" Naruto asked himself.

Naruto's POV:
I was walking around the village until a glimpse of my eyes saw someone familiar stood infront of me. "Naruto Nii-Chan!, i challenge you to fight me!" Konohamaru declared.

"Eh? Why?" I asked confused, "..but you told me that if I can defeat you, I can claim the position of being a Hokage! So bring it on!" Konohamaru spoke as he gestures me to attack but I just stared at him dumbfounded.

"Even if you can defeat me, that doesn't mean you'll become Hokage, you have to be a good ninja and a good fighter, especially to have an ability to protect the village against from dangers, including the villagers, ofcourse." I smiled sheepishly as I patted his head.

"I understand that you wanted to be acknowledge so soon but, being an Hokage is not that easy, see the toy in my hand?" I asked showing him the toy in my hand as he slowly nodded.

"Imagine this as The Hokage, A Hokage that will stand infront against many people trying to protect them against the danger. And also trying to protect the village, while trying to defeat the enemies that were trying to destroy the village. One against another or many." I spoke as I look back at Konohamaru, seeing his eyes widened.

"One against another or many.. huh?" Konohamaru murmured as his eyes sparkled, seemingly to understand the real position of being a "Hokage".

.. ... ... .. ..

I'm way to go at Ichiraku, until I saw Nagato and Karin coming to me, running, as they both grabbed my arm as they dragged me in to private place.

"What—.. wait.. why are you two here?" I asked, as I was intrigued by their sudden presence, before i can say anything else, Karin put his palm on my mouth to hush me out.

"Look, we don't have any time to explain, but we need you to go back at Uzushiogakure with us, Mr.Ashina's position is getting much worse, as you and I know that Heirs like you are legally entitled to the property." Karin spook in serious tone as I sweat dropped hearing Mr.Ashina's position.

"We know that this seems intriguing but, we already called out an best doctors or healers to help him but nothing's change.. so we should hurry." Nagato says as I nodded my head.

'If we need to get in there fast.. This means absquatulate, right? (Absquatulate: to leave without saying goodbye.)

'Sorry, it'll be good to see you guys again in future.' I smiled.

.... ... .... ..

(Maybe I'll time skip? Like years.. But what age should I set them into? 17? 18? Or 19?)

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