Chapter 12

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Nobody's POV:
"You can come out now!" Naruto called out, he  heard a chuckle behind him and he quickly turned around, and seen an old man..He had waist-length, spiky white hair that he usually ties back into a pony tail, with two shoulder-length bangs framing his face.

"Very well Naruto!" Jiraiya said, "why are you stalking?" Naruto asked, Jiraiya sweatdropped and chuckled nervously, "okay moving on for another topic! But I am not here to harm you or something." Jiraiya confessed.

"I know, you are the known Konohagakure's sannin, the First Sannin, and you are also Sarutobi's student back then right?" Naruto said, "aahhh....." Jiraiya awkwardly said, "who's the stalker now?!" Jiraiya yelled at his face.

But he was also amaze at his knowledge, "it was an research not an stalking!" Naruto blurted, "that's really sweet boy.." Jiraiya playfully winked.

"You're creeping me out old man.." Naruto stated, "straight to the point, what exactly you came here?" Naruto asked.

.. ..... ... ...

After a few minutes Jiraiya told what he really came for, naruto was not really expecting it, it was unexpected..

"I see.." naruto mumbled, "well I have no time anymore,..I'll go take my research" Jiraiya grins evil, and went running away like an dog.

"What was that?" Naruto asked himself, "hahahaha!! What he meant is his going to spy on womens taking a bathe" Kurama laughed out.

"That's not cool.. what a pervert.." Naruto uttered, as he stares at the sky.. 'look at the way they're clean with no clouds.. it's beautiful..' Naruto raised his hand and pointed it on the sky.

.. .... ... ... ..

Ino stared at Sasuke who's leaning in the tree, '.. he's so handsome, it's so obvious I won't have him...' ino thought sadly.

Ino followed Sasuke's gaze and he seen Naruto, talking with Kiba and Lee, then she look back at Sasuke, 'just the way he's looking at Naruto.. he is probably inlove with him..' ino smiled weakly.

She have to accept that Sasuke wasn't belong to him, like Sakura who already accepted that Sasuke won't be with her.

Ino apparently approached Sasuke, "sasuke?" She called out, but it seems she can't get Sasuke's attention easily, "Sasuke?" Ino called out one more time, finally taking Sasuke's attention.

Sasuke gazed at her, and tilted his head, "what do you want?" He asked coldly, Ino smiled, "do you..... like him?" Ino asked and look at Naruto.

Sasuke's eyes went wide, "no.. I don't.." he said quietly, Ino gazed at him, ".. don't deny your feelings you'll end up hurting yourself to keep saying lies.." Ino stated.

"Just by the way you're looking at him, I can see in your eyes there is a love and affection when you're looking at him or when it comes to him or you're towards him.. don't get me wrong I've been observing your actions towards him.." ino confessed.

Sasuke stayed quiet for long and hesitated to talk about it, "come on.. you don't have to hide it..from me.. you can trust me once.." ino uttered, Sasuke opened his mouth to say something but before he could say anything.. Narumi joined in between them.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked harshly, Ino startled and look behind her, "N-Narumi?" Ino stuttered, "what? Can't I just join in?" Narumi asked.

"It's not like that.." Ino replied, "I heard you're talking about my brother.. what about him? Are you now talking shits about him?!" Narumi responded, her voice become harsher.

"What?! How can you say that?! We are not talking about shits about him!" Ino resisted, Kiba and Lee and Naruto was taken back from their conversations and turned their attentions to them.

"What's happening?" Kiba whispered, "we've been talking to each other the whole time.. how could you ask us?" Lee asked, naruto looked at them dumbfounded, 'what's going on?' Naruto asked himself.

"How could I know you are talking shits about him?! When you are probably is!" Narumi shouted, "yeah?! You tell me!! How could you know!?" Ino yelled back, "cut it out you two!and Narumi don't you ever accuse anyone when you have just arrived before we have our conversation" Sasuke said in annoyed and cold tone.

Narumi stayed quiet and glared at Ino especially at Sasuke, before Narumi could say anything else, Naruto approached her sister and grab her, and drag her sister, "Naruto let me go! I'm not done with them!!" Narumi yelled, struggling to get out from his brother's hold.

They went to an private place, "Naruto I said let go!" Narumi yelled and Naruto finally let go of his sister, "what are you doing?!" Narumi asked, "huh? What do you mean what am I doing?" Naruto asked.

"What I meant why did you dragged me just like that when I'm still not done with them!!?" Narumi shouted, Naruto looked at his sister with confused face.

"You should lower you anger.." Naruto replied, Narumi rolled her eyes with annoyance, "just don't ever interrupt like that again!" Narumi responded and left.

Naruto sighed, 'oh dear..what happened to her? She apparently become greedy..' Naruto thought, he went back from the place where were they, he saw Ino and Sasuke are only there.

He approached them quietly, he know he can't approached Sasuke even a distance but whatever his sister wasn't even here anyways.. "hey.." Naruto said, making ino flinched.

"Ohh god! Are you even trying to get me an heart attack jeezz!!" Ino said, "oh.. sorry.. I'm here to apologize for what my sister did.. I'm asking for an forgiveness.." Naruto replied, Ino and Sasuke look at each other with curiosity.

"Don't apologize.. it's not your fault.." Sasuke responded, Ino look away grinning smugly, 'I smell love' Ino thought and her grin become bigger thinking some plan.

"Fine you are forgiven but there's a one condition.." ino replied, "oh? What is it?" Naruto asked gently, Ino cleared her throat before speaking, "you and Sasuke and I will hang out together whole day, or else you were never forgiven.." ino said sarcastically.

Sasuke look at her with confuse face, 'what is this girl planning now?' "Sure.. what time?" Naruto asked, scratching his head, "hmm.. around 9:30am.." Ino answered.

"Oh okay.. it's getting dark now.. I should go.."Naruto said before turning away, "oh okay! Bye see you tomorrow!" Ino shouted, "yeah bye lov- ah! I mean Naruto.." sasuke awkwardly responded.

Once Naruto is gone, "ooohoho, were you supposed to say, love?" Ino teased, "shut up" Sasuke said coldly, Ino laughed, "what are you trying to plan anyways?" Sasuke asked.

"Hm.. about that..maybe I just wanted you both to end up?" Ino teased, making Sasuke flushed, a pink tint of blush appeared on Sasuke's cheeks.

"Boy be blushing.." Ino laughed, "and anyways you should do your moves for him tomorrow maybe you can attract him.." Ino stated, "I..I'll try.." Sasuke quietly responded.

"Don't try! Just do it! You will never attract him without showing an attraction towards the person you like.." ino said shaking her head, "so be prepared for tomorrow!" Ino added before waving for an goodbye.

'..make a move..attract him.. to have him..' Sasuke thought as he blushed instantly, 'okay I got this.. i will have him for only myself..' Sasuke clenched his fist thinking that Naruto and Haku have an affair on each other.. the jealousy and anger won't get away from his body just by thinking about Haku and Naruto having an affair relationship.

Hmm idk.. but author ✍️  is apologizing for being an slow ass updating nowadays.. I just don't have any idea but ehhh.. im trying to..

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