Chapter 26

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Next day...

Nobody's POV:
"Look, Sasuke. I know that it's up to you that you'll confess or not, you can deny that you don't like him but you can't just blabber something that can affect his feelings!! " Ino scolded.

"I know ino, it just sometimes, I'm not watching my mouth.." Sasuke sighed.

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Naruto's POV:
"Hey Hinata, look!, there's a guy over there!" I asked pointing at a guy near infront  of us, Hinata raised her eyebrows as she turned her head to the side to see an guy painting the weather..

"mhm..they seems to be an artist" Hinata answered, "why shouldn't we approach him? I mean, watching someone drawing seems fun" I suggested, "okay, but we should be determine, we don't know if they are an enemy." Hinata stated.

"I'm not an "enemy", I'm also an ninja of the leaf." A voice interrupted us, it happens that is was the guy we were talking about.

He turned around, as we saw his appearance, he is pale, black hair, and black eyes.

"I'm Sai" he smiled, even I know it's fake, "nice to meet you Sai, I'm Hinata Hyuga.." Hinata uttered, "pleasure to meet you, I'm Uzumaki Naruto" I winked.

"Well, are you an artist? You're pretty accurate at drawing and painting though." I stated while scanning his painting.

"Well yeah, I was.." Sai uttered, "Hey sai, how old are you?, you seems just to be with our age." Hinata asked curiously. "Well I'm 13, I assure that the guy beside me is the son of the fourth hokage?" Sai replied.

"I won't deny since i am exactly is." I shrugged, "Well, it happens that we all are just same ages then, maybe we could be friends?" Hinata asked.

"Huh?, oh, sure, since I can't really socialize by myself" Sai responded, "well.. I am assuring that.. you don't have much friends?" I asked as I sat down in the grass.

"Yeah.. you could say that." Sai uttered, "well, I can say that we could be good friends at all" I assumed.

.. ..... .. ...

I am currently wandering around the Konoha with Hinata and Sai, until we stopped infront of Ino and Sasuke.

"Hey umm.. Naruto? Can I have a word with you privately?" Sasuke asked.

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Nobody's POV
"So? How did it went? Apparently, you apologized properly right?" Ino asked giving him an attitude.

"I did, now off topic. Who is the guy earlier?" Sasuke asked. "His name is Sai" Ino answered.

"Who is he? I never seen him before." Sasuke muttered, "so do I?" Ino shrugged.

"Speak of matters, New friend of them I guess." Ino sighed..

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"Jeez, my stomach hurts.." Naruto whined slightly as his stomach grumbles, "hmm? Have you eaten anything?" Sai asked, "Actually, no.. I didn't eat anything yet.." Naruto replied.

Sai sighed as he dragged Naruto and Hinata and went to the Ichiraku ramen as they took a sit. "My treat." Sai smiled, Naruto noticed that his smile wasn't that fake or force as he smiled back.

"Ah, naruto!? You came back!, how are you?" Teuchi exclaimed happily, as Ayane walk through as she seen Naruto, "Naruto!?" Ayane exclaimed surprisingly.

"Ah, pleasure to see you both again" Naruto smiled pleasantly, "alright, since you came to visit again, My treat for you three." Teuchi smiled.

"Really? Thank you." Naruto uttered as Teuchi and Ayane start to prepare the ramen. "What would you guys want?" Ayane asked.

"I'll get.. Tonbara Niku Ramen, thanks" Sai answered, Hinata look at the menu, "I'll get Miso Ramen." Hinata uttered.

"Same as Hinata." Naruto answered, "alright, coming right up soon." Akane uttered.

"Wanna know some random thing about me while waiting the food?" Sai asked, "okay!, that will cool the awkward silence and also the boredom." Hinata uttered.

"Well drawing is my ability, i can able to combine ink with the Body Flicker Technique to create a more effective cover up. However, my most notable talent is my skill as an artist, able to create drawings in mere moments. I uses these artistic skills as a source for my Super Beast Imitating Drawing." Sai informed.

"That's really cool though!" Naruto praised, "yeah, real cool right?" The three of them startled as they turned around in side to see Sasuke.

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