Chapter 21

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(Real 🤭👆👆👆)

Competitive Sport schedule:
Sparring: 9:30am-12:00pm
(5 minutes each round)

Gymnastics: 12:05pm-2:00pm
(3 minutes each round)

Fencing: 2:05pm- 4:00pm
(5 minutes each round)

Wrestling: 4:05pm- 6:30pm
(10 minutes each round)

Up coming at Next Day:

Archery: 7:30am-9:00am
(3 minutes minutes each round)

Taekwondo: 9:05am- 11:30pm
(3-5minutes each round)

Karate: 11:35pm- 2:00pm
(8 minutes each round)

Judo: 2:05pm- 4:00pm
(6 minutes each round)

~End of the Game~

Nobody's POV:
The day has come, another round another tiring day, "The first competitive sport is starting please head in the Archery room" They announced.

Archery players:
Ayaka Himoo (female)
Naruto Uzumaki (male)
Fuji Fuisho (male)
Hitoshi Keisuke (male)
Yolan Gurii (female)
Aki Ito (female)
Ryujin Sato (male)
Fumiko Hamako (female)
TenTen (female)
Asahi Atashi (male)

"The first round was going to be perform by Ayaka Himoo, please enter Shooting area" Hayate called out.

"You should win Nee-Chan!" Narumi uttered, "I'll try my best.." Naruto answered, "ahem.. Naruto, pleasure to meet you, im Suigetsu and this floppy orange bird is Jugo" suigetsu introduced.

"F-floppy orange bird?!" Jugo blurted in disappointed tone, "oh pleasure to meet you, I'm Uzumaki Naruto" Naruto uttered.

"Anyways can i try to romance you?" Suigetsu smirked, Naruto sweat dropped, "uhh.. Sure?" Naruto awkwardly answered.

"Watch this you dodo head, this is how you romance someone " Suigetsu whispered at Angry Sasuke glaring at him.

Suigetsu cleared his throat getting everyone's attention, "ahh... I'm figuring out this will be a troublesome.." Shikamaru lazily yawned as he leaned in on the edge wall.

"What kind of bullshit are you going to caused again?" Ino asked, "Alright! Quit watching on the potato girl on the shooting area, hear me out!" Suigetsu announced on the group.

"What ar-" "Shut up Narumi! Shut!" Suigetsu warned, Narumi angrily shut herself, Naruto who was just standing on his place, watching them argue, "good choice yolk egg girl" Suigetsu heavily breathe.

"Ooh Naruto, The four seasons are Summer, Spring, Winter and Autumn, and just as the autumn leaves, descend from the trees, i fall for you every season." Suigetsu gently takes Naruto's hand and kisses it softly.

The group dropped their jaws, "oh.. I'm not gonna lie.. you did good Suigetsu.." Naruto shyly replied, he was embarrassed showing some kind of reaction he knew it would be embarrassing.

"Ohh Suigetsu, Just as the autumn leaves, descend from the trees, i would like to burn your leaves" Sasuke warned, what Sasuke meant is he's going to burn him alive.

Suigetsu immediately hid behind Jugo, he watched the dark aura around Sasuke.

"The second round was going to be perform by Uzumaki Naruto! Please step in the Shooting area

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"The second round was going to be perform by Uzumaki Naruto! Please step in the Shooting area." Hayate announced, "oh well, see you guys!" Naruto ran to the shooting area.

.. ... ... .. ....

The 10 players stood below the stage, whoever won is going to the stage and claim their rewards waiting for the information who won.

"The five place belongs to Hitoshi Keisuke! The points he made is total 87! Bullseye targeted is 6, congratulations" Hayate announced.

Hitoshi quickly went on the stage, claiming his reward.

"The fourth place is going to...... Ayaka Himoo!, Her total points is 101! Bullseye targeted is 9! Congratulations!" Hayate announced.

"The third place is going to... TenTen! Total points calculated is 112! Congratulations!" Hayate announced.

"Nice one Tenten!" Lee shouted, "ooh my goshhh, what place could Naruto be?" Sakura wondered, "I'm so worried and excited at the same time! What if he didn't get in any place?! What if ahhhhh!... I don't know.." kiba whined.

"Oh please, my Brother is like the best!" Narumi rolled her eyes.

"The second place was claimed by.. Fuji Fuisho! Total points were 187! Bullseye target is 15! Congratulations!" Hayate announced.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god! OMG!" Ino freaked out.

"The first place went to.. Asahi Atashi! Total point is 189! Bullseye targeted is 14! Congratulations!" Hayate announced.

"W-what?!" Narumi slammed her fist on the flat wall, "this is not fair!!" Kiba cried out, "Noo Naruto!" Lee cried out.

"And the winner was claimed by!..."

"Wait?! There's a winner?..."

"Uzumaki Naruto! Total points are 210! All arrows went to Bullseye! Congratulations!" Hayate announced.

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Suigetsu shouted, "wooooohoooo! That's our buddy over there!" Kiba shouted.

' I already knew Im going to win this from the first place' Naruto's grin turned into a sheepish smile.

"Congratulations for those who won, for those who didn't win, you'll still get an award for joining the Archery!" Hayate announced.

.. .... .. .... ..

Jwjanahauahqqianabahwbwayavvquaa (author's broken..)


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