Chapter 20

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Competitive Sport schedule:
Sparring: 9:30am-12:00pm
(5 minutes each round)

Gymnastics: 12:05pm-2:00pm
(3 minutes each round)

Fencing: 2:05pm- 4:00pm
(5 minutes each round)

Wrestling: 4:05pm- 6:30pm
(10 minutes each round)

Up coming at Next Day:

Archery: 7:30am-9:00am
(3 minutes minutes each round)

Taekwondo: 9:05am- 11:30pm
(3-5minutes each round)

Karate: 11:35pm- 2:00pm
(8 minutes each round)

Judo: 2:05pm- 4:00pm
(6 minutes each round)

~End of the Game~

Let's just skip gymnastics, fencing and wrestling competitive sport, sorry sksksk

Nobody's POV:
Winners of the Sparring:
Rock Lee
Hitoshi Keisuke
Ayaka Himoo
Neji Hyuga
Akio Nakiko

Winners of the Gymnastics:
Ino Yamanaka
Narumi Uzumaki
Ayaka Himoo
Sora Himaki
Haru Hahio

Winners of the Fencing:
Naruto Uzumaki
Kiba Inuzuka
Neji Hyuga
Sasuke Uchiha
Yumi Yuukisha

Winners of the Wrestling:
Juū Himako
Aoi Akīn
Kaito Fuishī
Makoto Kiashí
Itsuki Kashiī

"All may come back for upcoming matches Tommorow, thank you for you admiration!.." The speaker announced.

"Oh god, thankfully I didn't join in the wrestling, if I did, my bones is probably all broken.. they are all fatty!" Kiba complained.

"I mean Ms.Aoi, is a pretty and strong lady, she's not fat Kiba.." Ino replied, "and Itsuki! He's so handsome!" Narumi squealed.

"Where's Naruto?" Sasuke asked, all he cared about is only Naruto, "oh, Chiyo dragged him nowhere.." Narumi answered, "and let's be normal friends again.. I guess" Narumi added.

'Tsk.. Chiyo again... and Who said I want to be friends with you? Not even in the first place....maybe I can use you to get Naruto.. that's why im agreeing now.." Sasuke thought before answering, "sure?" Sasuke answered.

"Uhh.. how did you guys end up disliking each other in the first place anyways?" Hitoshi asked, All eyes came upon on Narumi and Sasuke, expecting an answer.

None of them answered but their mind answered, 'because she's such an arrogant and annoying..' Sasuke thought, 'because he's an arrogant emo" Narumi thought.

Naruto's and Chiyo's Point of View:
"Where are you taking me?.." Naruto asked Chiyo who's dragging me nowhere, "you'll see! Your sister invented me this!" Chiyo answered.

"Okay.." Naruto awkwardly answered, "close your eyes Naruto-kun, we're almost there!" Chiyo requested.

"Where?"A voice trailed behind, Chiyo stopped on her track, as Naruto turned his head, "oh.. hi guys" Naruto smiled and waved at the group of his friends.

"Uh.. you just stop dragging my brother somewhere.." Narumi grabbed Naruto beside him.

"Erm you just stop ordering a princess around, and give Naruto, I'll take him somewhere.." Chiyo replied.

"No wa-" Narumi was cut off by his own brother, "we'll be back.." Naruto adjusted himself and goes back to chiyo, chiyo smirked mischievously, "you heard that N-a-r-u-m-i" Chiyo blurted.

.. .... .. ..... ..

"Open your eyes Naruto-kun!" Chiyo recommended, Naruto opened his eyes slowly his eyes was captured at the sight of the moon.

"Open your eyes Naruto-kun!" Chiyo recommended, Naruto opened his eyes slowly his eyes was captured at the sight of the moon

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Naruto's eyes brighten on amusement, "it's beautiful Chiyo.. it's a perfect spot to see the moon.." Naruto complemented.

'The Moon was so beautiful that the ocean held up a mirror.' Naruto stared at the reflection of the moon in the ocean.

"I'm glad you like it Naruto-kun, this is the spot I've found yesterday and I've been waiting to show you" chiyo smiled.

"Thank you for bringing me here Chiyo.. it's really warming and relieving here.." Naruto replied and smiled softly.

'Why are you still sticking up with that worthless princess.. I'm all here for you, can't you see?' Sasuke asked himself while watching them from afar. He secretly followed them behind in the first place without anyone knowing it.

.. ..... .. .. ..

"Shikamaru told me that he is going to treat us tonight!" Choji informed, Shikamaru startled, "hey! don't blurt lie things I didn't said!" Shikamaru insisted.

"Oh well let's go to Yakiniku Q. Then!" Narumi suggested, "ooh I'll order meat!" Choji cheered, "meat again?" Tenten asked, "hey! I said I didn't tell anything like tha-.... Ugh.. this is troublesome.. fine, my treat, but if you guys order so much I'll leave you guys with that bill!.." Shikamaru blurted.

Yakiniku Q.:

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.. .... .. .. ..... ..

'Okay.. this is the perfect time to confess chiyo.. calm down..' chiyo placed her hand in her chest where was her heart located.

"Umm Naruto..?" Chiyo involved, "what's up?" Naruto gazed at her, Naruto saw that Chiyo's face is red and she seemed burning..

'My heart is pounding rapidly.. I can't seem to calm down and say this straight and clear..' chiyo sighed trying to calm herself.

"Is there something bothering you?.." Naruto asked, "no.. there is just something I really wanted to tell you since we've been in Iwagakure.." Chiyo answered.

"Tell me what?.." Naruto asked, "I.. I.. like.." chiyo was cut off by a voice, "tell him what?" Sasuke spoke leaning in the tree near them.

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