Chapter 4

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The picture over there 👆 that's the siblings's appearance.. I even put it as the cover of the story.. just letting you know :p

2 years ago..

Nobody's POV:
Sakura look at his teammate Kenji.. it's there last day with him then he will quit being a ninja, if you are wondering why.. his parents force him to.

"Katon Goukakyuu-no-jutsu!" Sasuke yelled attacking the rouge ninja, they are trying to take him back to the place where he deserves.. to the jail.

He escaped recently last night, Lady Tsunade called the Team 7 to catch him.

Kakashi was behind the tree, making his plan complete he want to finish the mission so he could read his porn book. "Earth release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique" he whispered, he waited the time and quickly attack and drag down the rouge ninja.

"Take him now, then we can finally go back at Konoha and get some rest" kakashi said excusing himself, Sakura and Sasuke look at Kenji, he seemed very down.

Sakura look at her friends with awful look, she tap Kenji's shoulder, "don't worry kenji, if you weren't an ninja anymore that doesn't mean you aren't our friends anymore, or you can't hang out with us anymore, we will stay equal like before, trust me!" Sakura said comforting her friend.

Kenji smiled softly and nodded his head, "you think so?" Kenji asked, "ofcourse!" Sakura yelled proudly, Kenji chuckled, sakura chuckled back feeling relief knowing her friend's desperate feeling loosen up a little.

We arrived at hokage's tower we entered the hokage's office and I seen all my friends are there, "as you all know, why is everyone is here" Lady tsunade spoke.

"Kenji.. please surrender your ninja headband.." She said, we gazed at Kenji, he bit his lower lip and took off headband and hand it over to Lady Tsunade.

Kenji was about to left at the office but I quickly grab him, his eyes widened, "come on don't be ridiculous, you are still our friend so you're staying with us" I whispered and place him beside me.

"Team 7 aren't allowed to continue being a ninja in that case then.. we have to find a member for team 7 to complete them then you can continue your ninja way" she spoke, I widen my eyes, "Lady Tsunade don't be ridiculo-" I was cut off my kakashi sensei, "calm down sakura.. don't make things move fast" He said as everyone left the room.

"Tsk.." Sasuke screeched in annoyance, everyone left on the office except me, I was froze there.. 'that's so unfair!!' I yelled in my mind and clenched my fist, I run to our house and went to my room slamming it, I went to my bed and let myself sob.

Sakura's POV:
2 days later...

Two days have been passed and still I haven't with myself.. I heard a knock on my window seeing Lee, i quickly got up and approached him, "sakura.. lady tsunade is calling all of us" he whispered to my ear.

"Okay wait!" I quickly got down, "oi sakura! Where are you going you little kid! Come back here help your mother to clean around the house!!"my mom yelled but I don't have a time to talk back.

We went to the hokage's office and once again saw all of my friends there, and some anbus, is there something going on?..

"We have a guest and it's not only an guest he is an important guest, he will be the new member of team 7" Lady tsunade said in high pitch voice, I felt myself got back to itself, "really?!" I yelled in excitement, lady tsunade nodded her head as I started to cheer.

"Please come in" Lady tsunade said as we stared to the door, waiting it to open and to reveal our new member.


He walk in as my friends eyes widened and their jaw dropped except me and Sasuke, 'huh is there something's shocking about?' I thought.

It's been a silence then he broke the silence "I would like to introduce myself, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, The Heir of the Uzumakis, It would be nice to meet you" he said as my eyes widened 't-the heir of Uzumakis?!!no way this is happening right now!! Ok wake up sakuraaaa!!!' I yelled in my mind.

He gaze at Narumi, "N-Naruto!" Narumi yelled and was about to approached him but the Anbu stopped her, "let go of me!" She yelled, struggling in their grips, trying to let her self go.

"AAAAAH!!! Omggg!!" Kiba and Lee yelled, they approached Naruto but the Anbu quickly pulled them away, Naruto gazed at them, he look so uneasy..

"I would like to excuse myself" he said and left to the room, "w-wait we haven't got our autograph yet!!!!" Lee yelled,

I sighed, they never failed to embarrass us, i catched Sasuke earlier when Naruto entered the room it's like Sasuke can't take his gaze on him.. I wonder why?..

The anbu finally let go of Narumi and she chased after Naruto.. the main reason I was wondering is.. 'why are they look alik-...Ohoho wait a minute.. didn't she say he had a brother?!.... A few minutes I got it, they are probably siblings!' I yelled on my mind.

Her Brother: SasunaruWhere stories live. Discover now