Chapter 16

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Hey hoes! 💀🧍🏻‍♀️PePPaPiG17352 L1zzyC4t
And @everyone 😜

Nobody's POV:
his body froze, 'Deidara left?...'

Naruto questioned himself, 'he joined the Akatsuki?..' guilty aches in Naruto's heart, thinking it's all his fault..

Naruto caresses his chest where his heart is, he breathes gently, 'it's nobody's fault.. he chooses that path..the dark one..not the bright one..' Naruto comforted himself, as he calmed down.

'But what exactly he did that?.. I know there will be a reason..' Naruto narrowed his eyes, and sighed disbelief, tommorow is the day where is he going to leave Iwakagure, to come back to a mission.

Ofcourse he would bring Chiyo with him, neither if she wants to.. if she don't want to.. Naruto will bring her to the Land of This, to her the land where she belongs..

"Naruto-kun!" Naruto heard Chiyo called him from behind, Chiyo approached Naruto and sighed, "the humor is in every whisper by the villagers on the village.." Chiyo informed.

"I know.. but what is exactly crossed on Deidara's mind anyways?" Naruto spoke, "we don't know everything from him.. so we can't blame anyone.." Chiyo shrugged.

"I am going back from Konohagakure,Tommorow...." Naruto informed, 'I?..doesn't he mean.. 'we'?..' "I?.. can you....take me with you.. please?.." Chiyo begged.

"I want to live afar from my Father.." Chiyo murmured, enough to Naruto to hear it, A tears swollen on her eyes, before it can drop.. Naruto immediately wiped it.

"Sobbing decreases your beauty.." Naruto confessed, Chiyo was taken back and quickly hit Naruto at shoulder playfully, "a-are you saying that I'm ugly?! Hmph!" Chiyo pouted.

"Ow..what? I never said anything like that.. your beauty is enough being a princess.."Naruto smiles, "there's the tease come.. hmph.." Chiyo looked away from him.

"Ow.. come on my princess, don't be like that now..haha.." Naruto laughed nervously..

.. ... .. ... ..

Naruto and Chiyo was on their way to Konohagakure, Chiyo looked around and saw a blooming red rose, Chiyo immediately approached it and she took one.

"My princess?.. Oh.. Was it your favorite flower?" Naruto questioned, "oh yes!" Chiyo replied, they continued their journey to Konohagakure.

"Tell me a reason why?.." Naruto questioned, "well.. It reminds me of my Mother's Hair and mine also.. And it was always been her favorite flower so.. I got it from her.." Chiyo answered.

"Ah.. I see.." Naruto smiled, Chiyo smiled back gently, "tell me if you're tired my princess.. don't let yourself fatigued.." Naruto commented..

.. .... .. ... .. ..

(In Konohagakure)
Tsunade was signing the papers on her table, until Sasuke barged in and slammed his fist on her desk, making the papers flatter around.

"I don't get why Naruto wasn't here it's been a week he's missing! a Hokage was her job to protect anyone from this village!" Sasuke blurted, Ino approached him from behind and tried to calm him down.

But Sasuke slapped her hand away from his, "don't get in the way now Ino.." Sasuke stated, Tsunade cleared her throat, "as ill inform you.. I commanded Naruto to a mission.." Tsunade informed.

"Why are you just telling this now?! You made us worry!" Ino confessed, "then what if he-"... Sasuke was cut off by his sentence, a voice behind interrupted him.

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